
  • 网络separator;sorter;classifier;TBS
  1. 基于ISA总线的活塞自动检测及分选机

    Piston Automatic Measurement And Sorter Based on ISA Bus

  2. 光电分选机测控系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of the Photoelectric Sorter Measurement and Control System

  3. 基于PLC控制技术的电容测试分选机

    The Capacitor Testing and Sorting Machine Based on PLC Control Technology

  4. X射-线分选机在钼矿预选中的试验与研究

    Application and Study of X-Ray Separator in Preconcentration Test of Molybdenum Ore

  5. 基于CCD测量的阴极套管的自动分选机

    Automatic separation machine of negative electrod tube based on CCD measurement

  6. 轴承滚针分选机的PLC控制

    PLC Control System of the Needle Sorting Machine

  7. 【心理】预期一鼓舞机制X射-线分选机在钼矿预选中的试验与研究

    Anticipation-invigoration mechanism [ aIM ] Application and Study of X-Ray Separator in Preconcentration Test of Molybdenum Ore

  8. 为了满足自动分选机高精度、高效率的要求,提出了基于CCD测量的自动分选机。

    CCD measurement was proposed for satisfying both high accuracy and high efficiency in automatic separation machine .

  9. 介绍了新型矿石预选设备X射-线分选机的组成、工作原理及其测量操作系统。

    The composition , work principle as well as measurement and control system of a new X-ray separator for ore preconcentration are presented .

  10. IGBT模块在薄膜电容分选机中的应用

    Application of IGBT Module in Film Capacitor Separator

  11. 应用PIV技术对上升流水力分选机流场的试验研究

    Flow Field Experimental Research on Upward Flow Hydraulic Separator Using PIV Technology

  12. LED芯片分选机属于一种高频工作机械,其分选机构向着高速化和轻量化发展。

    LED chip sorting machine is one kind of high frequency working machines . High speed and light weight is the developing direction of its sorting mechanism .

  13. 基于Visualc++6.0编程,研发自动测试分选机的分选模块,实现三极管分选功能。

    Development of the sorting module of the automatic testing and sorting machine based on VISUAL C + + 6.0 programming which implements the test through cooperation with the testing system . 5 .

  14. 进行了链条系统分析,建立了相关模型,通过计算,确定拉链的拉力,并设计了matlab程序,对重介分选机链传动的链条拉力进行结构优化。

    Chain system analysis , the established model calculations to determine the zipper pull , and to design a matlab program to optimize the structure of the zipper chain tension .

  15. TBS干扰床分选机在粗煤泥分选中的应用研究

    Applied research on teetered bed separator for coarse slime separation

  16. 细粒煤在Falcon分选机中的运动特性及其脱硫研究

    Research on Moving Characteristic and Desulphurization of Fine Coals in the Falcon Centrifugal Separator

  17. Falcon选矿机是一种新型的离心分选机。

    Falcon concentrator is one of the new centrifugal separators developed in recent years .

  18. 介绍了磁团聚重力分选机的控制方法和控制系统的硬件构成,根据模糊控制的原则,结合PID方法构成一种新的智能控制方法。

    The control method and the hardware constitution of the control system of the magnetic agglomeration gravity-separtor are presented . Based on the principle of fuzzy control and PID method , a new intelligent control method is constituted .

  19. 简要介绍了一种基于工控机和PLC集成控制的阴极套管分选机的总体构造,详细阐述了分选机测控系统的软硬件设计。

    This paper briefly introduces the construct of a cathode thimble grouping machine which based-on integrated control of industrial control computer and PLC . And it expatiates on the design of the software and hardware of the machine 's measuring and controlling system .

  20. 采用SNMP网络管理协议开发的晶片分选机集中监控系统,对分选机进行的集中监控,解决了对晶体生产进行统筹管理的问题。

    The collecting monitor to quartz blank sorters by Making use of SNMP network manage protocol in the developing of the collecting monitor system has resolved the problem of managing all the sorters as a whole .

  21. 文章介绍了轴瓦自动检测分选机中的可编程控制器(PLC)控制技术,分析了系统设计与组成,整个系统工作由自动进料、自动喂料、自动检测、自动分选四大部分组成。

    In this paper , it introduces the control technology by the PLC for bearing thickness grouping machine , and analyzes the design and the component of the system . This system is consisted of four parts : automatic sending the material , feedstock , measurement and grouping .

  22. YB-GT-3型罐头真空度自动分选机的研制

    Model YB-GT-3 Automatic Gan Vacuum Sorter Its Design and production

  23. 本文论述了葡萄干颜色分选机设计思想及其工作原理和结构特点,并探讨了供料系统中电磁振动原理及光学系统中的核心元件面阵CCD,提出了一种新型的分选装置:电磁快门。

    The paper discusses the design ideology , working principle and structure characteristic for the colour sorter for raisin , it discusses electromagnetism libration principle in the feed system and the face CCD in optical system - and puts forward a new kind of sorting setting : electromagnetism shutter .

  24. FX-120薄膜电容自动分选机主要进行容量不足检测、直流飞弧检测、直流双向耐压测试、损耗及容量测试并自动分选。

    The tests of FX-120 automatic selecting and classifying film capacitor machine include mainly unsufficient capacitance test , DC puncture test , DC two-way voltage-proof test , loss test and capacitance test .

  25. 空气重介干法分选机刮板运动轨迹及分析

    Scraper moving track and analysis in air dense medium dry separator

  26. 压电陶瓷d(33)参数自动测试分选机的研制

    Development of Auto testing Separater of Piezoelectric Ceramic d 33 Parameter

  27. 国产薄膜电容器自动分选机的更新换代

    Development of automatic sorting machines for film capacitors made in China

  28. 涡轮旋流分选机内部流场数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Internal Flow Field of a Turbo Cyclone Separator

  29. 滚针分选机单片机控制系统

    Control System of Single Chip Computer of the Needle Sorting Machine

  30. 阴极套管分选机测控系统的研制

    Development of Measuring and Controlling System for Cathode Thimble Grouping Machine