
fēn zào chī fàn
  • 熟语fiscal system of delineating income and expenditure
  1. 与分灶吃饭的国家财政体制相适应,义务教育实行地方负责,分级管理的财政体制。

    Adapting to the country finance system of that time , compulsory education carries out the finance system of " local controlled - , administration classified " .

  2. 食堂化前农民一家一户分灶吃饭时,农村妇女其实并不只是整天做饭,而是能附带做些农活的,有的妇女甚至充当了主要劳动力。

    Dining room before a family of farmers a focal points when eating , rural women actually not only all day , but can cook incidental do some farming , some women even act as the primary Labour .

  3. 改革开放之后,随着放权让利和分灶吃饭财政体制的推行,地方政府有了自己的行为空间、行为能力、行为权利和行为动机,成为相对独立的行为和利益主体。

    After reform and opening up , with the decentralization and division eating style , local governments have their own space of actions , capacity , rights and motivation to become relatively independent of the main actors and interests .