
fēn zǔ
  • grouping;subgroup;subset;divide into groups;lot;block sort
分组 [fēn zǔ]
  • (1) [divide into groups]∶把分成各个组

  • (2) [subgroup]∶把分为小组

分组[fēn zǔ]
  1. 从技术上,IP网络电话是以IP为标志的网络分组化和以多媒体为标志的网络业务综合化两大主流技术融合的结果。

    Technically , IP network telephone whether taking IP as sign network divide into groups take and taking multimedia as sign network business totalization two heavy major results that technology merge .

  2. 入手下手分组讨论。

    Begin to divide into groups to discuss it ( have a discussion in groups ) .

  3. 我们分组讨论了那个问题。

    We were split up into groups to discuss the question .

  4. 在精心安排的分组活动中可以使用这些玩具。

    Make use of the toys in structured group activities .

  5. 参赛者按年龄和能力分组。

    Contestants were grouped according to age and ability .

  6. 议案未经分组表决就宣读通过了。

    The Bill was read without a division .

  7. 参加者按年龄分组。

    Participants were categorized according to age .

  8. 学生们分组研究复杂的问题。

    The students work in groups on complex problems .

  9. 你的工作是把他们按字母顺序分组,然后按数字顺序排序。

    Your job is to group them by letter and put them in numerical order .

  10. 你觉得要求大家分组工作不划算,这是为什么呢?

    You feel that it 's uneconomic to insist that people work together in groups . Why is this ?

  11. 该法案分组表决之后就进行宣读。

    The bill was read after a division .

  12. 在发达国家,千禧一代即将占据市场上一半的劳动力,他们从幼儿园时起就开始分组工作了。

    The " millennials " who will soon make up half the workforce in rich countries were raised from nursery school onwards to work in groups .

  13. 设备按代分组。

    Devices were grouped by generation .

  14. 方法:采用分组对照的方式进行试验

    Method : The test was performed by grouping antitheses .

  15. 你的学生应该很快就会习惯分组学习的。

    It'shouldn 't take long to accustom your students to working in groups .

  16. 此外,项目执行期间,参加了四次国际学术研讨会,作了分组报告或论文展示。

    Moreover , the coordinator participated in four international conferences and symposia , gave talks or showed papers .

  17. 研究人员按照参与者运动量的高、中、低三个水平进行分组,并根据他们的睡眠时长、上床时间以及失眠、打鼾和白天嗜睡情况,给他们的睡眠质量打分(最低为0分,最高为5分)。

    Participants were grouped into three levels of physical activity ( high , medium or low ) and were also given a sleep quality score from 0-5 based on the amount of shut-eye they got , how late they stayed up , insomnia4 , snoring and daytime sleepiness .

  18. 如果使用计算过的列,计算往往反映使用“GROUPBY”修饰符对列所进行的分组。

    Frequently , if calculated columns are used , the calculation reflects grouping of columns with the " GROUP BY " modifier .

  19. 可编程路由器除了转发IP分组之外,还需要执行计算任务。

    Programmable router not only forwards IP packets but also executes computing tasks .

  20. 分组无线数据网在GPS车辆监控中的应用研究

    Study of Using Packet Wireless Data Communication in GPS Monitor System for Vehicle

  21. LSCR:一种MobileAdHoc网络链路状态分组路由算法

    LSCR : A Link State-Based Cluster Routing Protocol of Mobile Ad hoc Network

  22. IP数据报在分组无线网中的传输

    Researches on Transmission of IP over PRN

  23. x·25分组级协议;

    The x · 25 packet protocol ;

  24. 提出了对迭代分组密码IDEA的轮函数的两种强化方法&随机群和随机置换。

    Two strenthening methods are presented for the round function of the iterated block ciphers , named random group and random permutation .

  25. 运行三个命令之后,fruit分组的成员将限制于特定操作。

    After running the three commands , members of the fruit group are restricted to the specified actions .

  26. PCI总线分组循环仲裁算法的实现

    The Implementation of Packet Circular Priority Algorithm on PCI

  27. service:这个WSDL具体定义对一组服务端点(或wsdl:ports)进行分组。

    Wsdl : service : This WSDL concrete definition groups a set of service endpoints ( or wsdl : ports ) .

  28. 分组同步CDMA及其关键技术

    The Packet Synchronous CDMA and Its Key Technologies

  29. IP电话是将语音数据通过分组网络传输的,用分组网络作为会话者的主要通讯信道。

    IP phone transmits the voice data through the grouping network that is the main communication channel for the people in conversation .

  30. GPRS分组传输工业数据

    GPRS Packet Transmission of Industrial Data