
  • 网络Tiered Storage
  1. 分层存储也对存储数据的QoS要求进行区别,并创建策略以将所谓更重要的数据存储到所谓更快或更可靠的媒介。

    Tiered storage can also differentiate between the QoS requirements of the data to be stored , creating a policy to store data deemed more important to media that is deemed faster or more reliable .

  2. 所谓分层存储,就是通过分层存储软件实现数据客体在不同层次存储设备之间的自动迁移。

    The so-called tiered storage , is using tiered storage software to automatically migrate data objects between the different levels of storage devices .

  3. 在分层存储库中(例如LDAP),基本项映射到目录信息树中标识DIT中子树顶部的一个项。

    In a hierarchical repository , like LDAP , a base entry is mapped to an entry in the directory information tree that identifies the top of a subtree in the DIT .

  4. 分层存储在数字图书馆中的应用和实现

    Application and realization of the multi-depth method for data storage in digital libraries

  5. 在对中文分词词典进行分层存储的基础上,通过一种改进的简洁的中文分词词典匹配算法,有效地改善了分词的速度与精度,并缩减了索引库,增强了用户的响应。

    Besides , an improved word matching algorithm was proposed to enhance the speed and precision of word segmentation .

  6. 对于标准的、基于文件夹的分层存储库,如文件系统,就相当简单了。

    For a standard , folder-based , hierarchical repository such as your filesystem , this is a relatively simple proposition .

  7. 该白皮书探讨了分层存储是信息生命周期策略的一个重要组成部分,但并不是全部。

    This paper will discuss how tiering storage is an important component of an ILM practice , but not everything .

  8. 分层存储作为一种能够有效解决上述矛盾的技术,受到企业界和学术界的广泛关注,在近年来成为研究热点。

    Multi-tiered storage system as a way to effectively resolve these contradictions technology is concerned by enterprises and academic community .

  9. 云存储供应商往往采用分层存储的方式,在前端通过高性能磁盘满足客户的高性能需求,而在后端利用磁带进行存储。

    Cloud storage providers often implement a tiered storage approach that provides upfront performance to customers via performance disk , while relying on tape storage on the back end .

  10. 这使得可以将格式良好的XML文档以其自身固有的分层格式存储在Siebel表列中。

    This enables well-formed XML documents to be stored in their hierarchical form within columns of Siebel tables .

  11. 它使得XML成为DB2中的一级数据类型,XML类型的列可以在数据库中以原生分层格式存储任何格式良好的XML。

    It makes XML a first-class datatype in DB2 , and a column of type XML can store any well-formed XML in its native hierarchical form within the database .

  12. DB2以XML数据自身固有的分层格式存储和处理这些数据,避免因为将XML存储为CLOB中的文本或将它映射为关系表而导致的性能和灵活性限制。

    DB2 stores and processes XML in its inherent hierarchical format , avoiding the performance and flexibility limitations that occur when XML is stored as text in CLOBs or mapped to relational tables .

  13. 如果使用DB29数据服务器,并利用本地XML数据持久性,则可以按分层格式存储格式良好的XML文档。

    We can afford that while using a DB29 data server , and taking advantage of the native XML data persistence , which enables well-formed XML documents to be stored in their hierarchical form .

  14. XML数据类型使DB2可以以XML本身的分层格式来存储XML文档。

    XML data type enables DB2 to store XML documents in it 's native hierarchical format .

  15. 按照协议的分层结构对存储区域网络的支撑技术&光纤通道标准进行了详细描述。

    In this paper , the fiber channel is described in detail as a key technology in the SAN , The paper also compares and analyzes the current typical networked storage technology .

  16. 本文利用小波变换良好的时频局域性,采用EZW编码算法,建立了基于小波分析的海量图像金字塔模型,能够有效减小图像的数据量,实现海量图像的分层显示与压缩存储。

    As we know that wavelet is an excellent time frequency transform and can compress the image data successfully . EZW algorithm was studied carefully and implemented in the thesis .

  17. 根据数据单向非随机的传递特点,提出了分层的互联和存储机制,并设计了一款静态配置、多总线结构的全局互联单元。

    Based on the data flow , we also proposed the hierarchical interconnection and storage structure as well as the static-configured and multi-bus global switch .

  18. 本文基于导航地图数据格式K1WI的的特点&数据的分层和分块存储,给出了基于分层搜索的A算法的设计与实现。

    Based on the characteristics of KIWI ( navigation map data format ), namely data hierarchy and block storage , put forward the design and implementation of A Star algorithm based on hierarchical search .