
  • 网络Virtual Storage System;virtual memory system;VMS
  1. 在页式虚拟存储系统中,较常用的页面置换算法有RG、NUR、LFU、OPT、FIFO、LRU,其中LRU算法是一种最通用的有效算法,最接近于理想状态。

    In page virtual storage system , the page-replacement algorithms in common use are RG , NUR , LFU , FIFO , LRU , and LRU is the most general algorithm which is close to the ideal state .

  2. 一种使用存储代理机制的非对称虚拟存储系统

    A Virtual Storage System Based on Asymmetric Architecture And Storage Agent

  3. 基于新型Cache一致性协议的共享虚拟存储系统

    A software DSM system based on a new cache coherence protocol

  4. 共享虚拟存储系统SVM和面向共享存储的编译技术的相结合有效地解决了这一问题,使得编写并行应用程序变得十分容易,而且易于移植。

    One method for eliminating this restriction is to combine powerful shared memory parallelizing compilers with software Shared Virtual Memory systems .

  5. 本文介绍一种基于SAN的虚拟存储系统,以及其中使用到的存储代理机制。

    In this paper , based on SAN , we introduce a virtual storage prototype and the storage agent technology in this system .

  6. 然而传统的服务器存储管理系统不能适应集群环境下的数据管理,尤其是随着SANs(StorageAreaNetworks)技术的日益发展与普及,研究集群环境下的虚拟存储系统成为迫切任务。

    But the traditional storage virtualization system is unfit for the cluster and Storage Area Networks ( SANs ) . With the development of SANs , the cluster virtualization management system is needed urgently .

  7. 本文的主要工作是设计一个网络虚拟存储系统的方案,使用一个虚拟节点对所有的存储设备进行集中管理,每个存储用户都通过虚拟节点提供的虚拟逻辑卷完成存储业务。

    Using a virtual node for all centralized management of storage devices .

  8. 一种基于集群环境的虚拟存储系统研究与实现

    CVM : a Storage Virtualization System for Cluster in SAN

  9. 气象卫星资料虚拟存储系统设计与实现

    Virtual storage management of meteorological satellite data

  10. 虚拟存储系统中的一种页表,它用定长页和变长段对虚存进行控制。

    A page table in a virtual storage system that uses both fixed-length pages and variable-length segments .

  11. 面向共享虚拟存储系统的编译支持的通信优化技术

    Compiling-Support Communication Optimizations for SVMs

  12. 在虚拟存储系统中,将装入模块或程序段从辅助存储器移到虚拟存储器中。

    In virtual storage system , to bring load modules or program phases from auxiliary storage into virtual storage .

  13. 在虚拟存储系统中,实际存储器的大小与虚拟存储器的大小之比。

    In virtual storage systems , the ratio of the size of real storage to the size of virtual storage .

  14. 应个人网络存储应用的需要,研究和开发网络虚拟存储系统。

    To deal with the need of the personal network storage application , research and develop the network virtual storage system .

  15. 最后,根据设计实现了一个基于网络的虚拟存储系统,并对系统进行测试,通过对测试的结果的分析提出了改进的方案。

    At last , implemented the network based virtualization system . And give a suggestion to improve the program through the test results .

  16. 在虚拟存储系统中,建立访问表和访问主存中页面/段值的过程。

    In a virtual storage system ; the process of setting up the reference tables and values for accessing pages / segments in main storage .

  17. 另外,基于此技术的虚拟存储系统,没有改变用户的使用习惯,所以大大方便了用户的使用。

    In addition , the virtual storage system based on this technology is easy to use because it has not change the habits of the users .

  18. 文中提出了一种基于P2P的虚拟存储管理系统的设计与实现方法。

    A virtual storage manage system based on P2P technology was presented .

  19. 虚拟共享存储系统(SVM)用软件的方式在物理分布的存储器上实现了一个逻辑上统一的虚拟共享存储空间。

    Shared Virtual Memory system builds one SVM layer over physically distributed memory to form one logically uniform shared virtual space .

  20. 在虚拟扩充存储系统(VSE)中,可以不能进行页面调度的程序运行方式。

    In VSE , the mode of a program that may not be paged .

  21. 最后,我们提出了基于线程一致性模型的多线内核虚拟共享存储系统MTK的实现方案,并对其系统开销进行了分析。

    Finally , we implement a multi-threads kernel SVM system MTK based on TC model , and analyze its System Overhead .

  22. 系统开销分析表明,线程一致性模型可以有效的提高虚拟共享存储系统的性能。

    The analysises show that TC can efficiently improve SVM 's performance .

  23. 虚拟网络存储系统关键技术研究及其性能评价

    Research on Key Technologies and Performance Evaluation of Virtual Network Storage System

  24. 虚拟共享存储系统中核外计算的实现

    Implementing Out-of-Core Computation in Virtual Shared Memory Systems

  25. 在虚拟网络存储系统中通常包含各种异构的存储设备节点。

    There are usually lots of heterogeneous storage nodes in the virtual network storage system .

  26. 医学信息的虚拟存储及其系统模型的构建

    The Virtual Storage technology of the Medical Information and its Model Construction in the Telemedicine System

  27. 同时处于主存储器中。多道程序设计(常为虚拟存储)系统中的程序使用的术语。

    To be in main storage at the same time . A term used with respect to programs in a multiprogramming ( often , virtual storage ) system .

  28. 可快速响应的虚拟三级存储系统RAT

    Virtual tertiary storage system RAT with fast response performance

  29. SAN的虚拟化是存储系统的发展趋势,它在文件系统层实现。

    Currently the main storage system technology is SAN Virtualization and its implementation is in the file system layer .

  30. 在虚拟分布式共享存储系统(SVM)中,为了保证程序在分布式环境下正确运行,维护存储一致性是关键问题之一。

    To ensure the program to run correctly in SVMs , one of the most important problems is data consistency .