
  • 网络virtual disk;virtual drive;ramdisk;vhd
  1. 如果我必须一下子说清楚tmpfs,我会说tmpfs就象虚拟磁盘(ramdisk),但不一样。

    If I had to explain tmpfs in one breath , I 'd say that tmpfs is like a ramdisk , but different .

  2. 而且传统的虚拟磁盘是个块设备,并需要一个mkfs之类的命令才能真正地使用它,tmpfs是一个文件系统,而不是块设备;您只是安装它,它就可以使用了。

    And while a traditional ramdisk is a block device and requires a mkfs command of some kind before you can actually use it , tmpfs is a filesystem , not a block device ; you just mount it , and it 's there .

  3. 由section元素定义的工具级元数据,用于描述网络和虚拟磁盘等内容。

    Appliance-level metadata defined by section elements detailing things such as networks and virtual disks .

  4. Windows虚拟磁盘与路径容错

    Virtual Disks and Fault Tolerant Paths in Windows

  5. 这个虚拟磁盘在LVM术语中称为卷组(volumegroup)。

    This virtual disk , in LVM terms , is called volume group .

  6. 这个存储器将作为Linux分区的虚拟磁盘使用。

    This storage will be used as a virtual disk for a Linux partition .

  7. 为Linux分区添加更多存储器的另一个方法是扩展当前虚拟磁盘。

    An alternative method of adding more storage to a Linux partition is to extend a current virtual disk .

  8. 它们通常是虚拟磁盘文件、ISO映像和国际化资源。

    These are typically virtual disk files , ISO images , and internationalization resources .

  9. 基于PKI的在线认证安全虚拟磁盘的设计与实现

    Implement of online authentication secure virtual disk based on PKI

  10. 开发过程中,调用TDI(TransportDriverInterface)函数,实现了网络虚拟磁盘驱动的网络功能。

    During the developing , TDI ( Transport Driver Interface ) functions have been used to realize the network functions .

  11. 此时还没有对AIX分区可用的虚拟磁盘设备。

    Currently , there are no virtual disk devices available to your AIX partition .

  12. 初始创建的第二个空虚拟磁盘应具有足够的磁盘空间,以便存放应用程序和WebSphere概要。

    Initially create a second empty virtual disk with enough disk space to hold your applications and WebSphere profiles .

  13. 要为Linux分区添加额外的存储器,首先创建另外一个虚拟磁盘。

    To add additional storage to a Linux partition , first create another virtual disk from the Storage Management menu Create Devices page .

  14. 基于TDI的网络虚拟磁盘驱动研究与实现

    Research and Realization of TDI-Based Network Virtual Disk Driver

  15. 这个COM接口属于虚拟磁盘服务(VirtualDiskService)的一部分,VDS是Windows大量用在卷和磁盘管理特性的底层API。

    These are COM interfaces are part to the Virtual Disk Service , the underlying API Windows uses for most volume and disk management features .

  16. 使用更新的IBM软件的用户会看到存储类型选项,而且他们可以从该页面创建一个虚拟磁盘,并继续进行设置。

    Users with newer IBM updated software would find the storage type options , and they can create a virtual disk from this page and continue .

  17. LVM可以将分区和磁盘聚合成一个虚拟磁盘(virtualdisk),从而用小的存储空间组成一个统一的大空间。

    By aggregating partitions and whole disks into a virtual disk , LVM can sum small storage spaces into a bigger , consolidated one .

  18. 在XP的角度来看,你的家目录只不过是一个虚拟磁盘。

    In the XP 's point of view , your HOME directory is nothing but a virtual disk .

  19. 通过介绍在WINDOWSnt内核模式下设计虚拟磁盘驱动的详细原理,分析和研究网络虚拟磁盘驱动的设计与实现。

    Introduce the principle of virtual disk driver under Windows NT kernel mode . Analyze and research how to design and develop the network virtual disk driver .

  20. 但是,如果AIX客户机LPAR使用VirtualI/OServer上的LUN提供的虚拟磁盘,那么也可以采用这些备份和恢复过程。

    However , AIX client LPARs using virtual disks backed by LINs from the Virtual I / O server can also follow these backup and recovery procedures .

  21. 对于第二个guest,我想将Dom0中的镜像文件作为虚拟磁盘映射到这个guest。

    For the second guest , I want to map image files in Dom0 as virtual disks to the guest .

  22. 除了使用CD-ROMISO映像来填充虚拟磁盘之外,还必须在结束时启动这个映像。

    In addition to populating the virtual disk with the CD-ROM ISO image , you must boot the image when it 's done .

  23. 本文所要叙述的个人网络磁盘系统基于校园网,结合局域网虚拟磁盘和广域网Web存储空间的优点,主要目的是为企业内部的用户提供一个大容量的、方便易用的网络存储空间。

    The individual network disk system described in this paper , which combines the advantages of virtual disk of LAN and Web storage space of WAN , will supply users of an enterprise with an easy used storage space with large capacity .

  24. 然后使用fdisk命令对新的虚拟磁盘进行分区。

    The new virtual disk can then be partitioned with the fdisk command .

  25. 请确保在每个VIO服务器上LPAR虚拟磁盘设备的容量是相等的。

    Make sure you make the virtual disk devices of the LPAR the same size on each of the VIO Servers .

  26. HypervisorEdition被隔离到4个单独的虚拟磁盘中,这4个磁盘分别用于存放映像所包含的操作系统、WebsphereApplicationServer二进制文件、WebsphereApplicationServer配置文件和IBMHTTPServer。

    Hypervisor Edition is separated into four separate virtual disks , one disk each for the operating system , WebSphere Application Server binaries , WebSphere Application Server profiles , and IBM HTTP Server that exist in the image .

  27. 您可以使用fdisk工具将标签写到虚拟磁盘上。

    You can use the fdisk tool to write the label onto the virtual disk .

  28. 在AIX客户机分区上可以看到的所有磁盘必须都是虚拟磁盘(使用虚拟SCSI从VIOS导出)。

    All the disks that are visible on the AIX client partition have to be virtual disks ( exported from VIOS using virtual SCSI ) .

  29. 本文介绍了一个以APPLE微机控制的大型图形显示系统,并着重讨论了有关图形数据的自动输入,虚拟磁盘的使用等方面的问题。

    This paper presents a large graphic display system controlled by APPLE - ⅱ microcomputer , and mainly discusses several methods used in the system such as the automatic input of graphic data , the usage of pseudo disks , etc.

  30. 您可以像使用其他任何磁盘那样使用DRBD提供的虚拟磁盘,其后的复制操作是透明的。

    You can use the virtual disk that DRBD provides like any other disk , with the replication occurring transparently underneath .