
  • 网络Virtual Prototype Technology;adams;Vpt
  1. 基于虚拟样机技术的导弹垂直发射过程仿真

    Numerical Simulation of Missile Vertical Launching Procedure Based on VPT

  2. 虚拟样机技术不仅可以缩短产品开发周期,提高工作效率,降低成本和提高质量,而且更新了整个产品设计的理念。

    VPT helps engineers not only to shorter the developing period on products , improve working efficiency , reduce cost and better quality , but also to update the concept in the procedure of product design .

  3. 第三章阐述了虚拟样机技术以及相应的ADAMS软件。

    The third chapter expatiates the virtual prototyping technology and ADAMS software .

  4. 同时运用虚拟样机技术软件ADAMS对该修正方法进行仿真分析,分析结果表明,该修正方法是合理的。

    The simulation analysis made with ADAMS shows that the modified method is valid .

  5. 基于VR的加油装备虚拟样机技术研究

    The Research of Virtual Samples Technique for Refueling Equipments Based on VR

  6. 随着三维图形技术和虚拟样机技术的发展,三维设计已经成为CAD技术应用的必然趋势。

    With the development of three-dimensional graphic technique and Virtual Prototype technique , three-dimensional design has already been inevitable tendency of CAD application .

  7. 借助虚拟样机技术并根据柱塞泵的物理模型参数,分别在MSC。

    Dynamics model and hydraulic model of piston pump individually grounded on MSC .

  8. 介绍了采用虚拟样机技术建立主动适形移动机器人(ActiveTerrainAdaptiveVehicle,ATAV)联合仿真平台的设计过程。

    The design process of associated simulation platform for active terrain adaptive vehicle ( ATAV ) based on virtual prototype was introduced .

  9. 采用虚拟样机技术开发机床的设计思路,结合CAD技术和仿真技术对数控旋压机的关键部件进行运动学分析;

    Aiming at design way of virtual prototyping technology , combined with CAD technology and simulation technology , dynamics analysis is carried for some key components of the device .

  10. 针对虚拟样机技术在回旋加速器设计与制造上的应用和需求,提出了一个用于回旋加速器控制系统设计、仿真及验证的软件平台:CyclotronVirtualControlPlatform(CVCP)。

    A software solution applied for cyclotron control system design , simulation and validation which named Cyclotron Virtual Control Platform ( CVCP ) is introduced .

  11. 基于虚拟样机技术,利用三维CAD软件Pro/E和ADAMS软件建立了液压式输弹机的机液一体化虚拟样机。

    Based on virtual prototyping technology , a virtual prototype of hydraulic ramming device was established by use of 3D CAD Pro / E and ADAMS software .

  12. 简单介绍了虚拟样机技术和ADAMS软件,最后给出了一个平面四连杆机构应用实例。

    The article simply introduces virtual prototype technology and ADAMS . Finally , a four-bar mechanism is given as example of application of ADAMS .

  13. 运用ADAMS的虚拟样机技术提出了一种对QCL03清仓机工作装置进行快速准确的设计方法。

    The paper puts forward a rapid and exact method of designing the work device of QCL03 bunker cleaner by using virtual prototype technology of ADAMS .

  14. 基于虚拟样机技术的ATV悬架仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of ATV Suspension Based on Virtual Prototype Technology

  15. 本文的另一个特点是应用ADAMS软件,将虚拟样机技术运用于真空断路器的设计。

    Another feature of this paper is the application of ADAMS software , the virtual prototyping technology is used to the design of vacuum circuit-breaker .

  16. 基于ADAMS的虚拟样机技术,在汽车等领域中有着广泛的应用,在汽车行业中导入虚拟样机技术,是新型汽车开发的一个重要工具。

    Based on the ADAMS virtual model technology , is widely used in auto aspect etc , through using virtual model technology in auto industry .

  17. 利用虚拟样机技术,采用Pro/E软件三维参数化建模、ADAMS软件可视化仿真,建立了一个钴结壳螺旋采集式采矿头的虚拟样机。

    Using Pro / E to build a 3D model , ADAMS to simulate visually , a virtual prototyping of screw-collection mining head was built .

  18. 在进行挖沟器的系统动力学分析过程中,利用了虚拟样机技术ADAMS软件对挖沟器链传动过程中的受力情况进行了动态仿真。

    During the dynamic analysis of mechanical system , the force that act on the chain of trenching implement is simulated by virtual prototype soft ADAMS .

  19. 最后结合多体动力学仿真软件ADAMS的虚拟样机技术对生成的随机路面谱进行了分析和讨论。

    Finally , the stochastic road irregularities are carried out by exporting it to the virtual prototype technique software ADAMS for evaluating the performance of vehicles .

  20. 利用虚拟样机技术及仿真软件平台Pro/E,建立新型捣固装置的虚拟样机,并进行运动学仿真。

    Taking advantage of virtual prototyping technology and simulation software platform Pro / E , a virtual prototype of the new tamping unit was created and kinematics simulation was carried out 2 .

  21. 在机械行业中,CAD技术以及基于CAD技术的虚拟样机技术的广泛应用使机械产品的生产效率得到较大提高,生产成本得以降低,产品质量得以加强。

    In mechanical field , the broad using of CAD and virtual prototyping technology based on CAD make the efficiencies of production higher , the costs of production lower , and the qualities of product better .

  22. 本文应用CAD技术和多体系统动力学理论对引信无返回力矩钟表机构虚拟样机技术中的建模和动力学仿真进行了深入研究。

    Based on CAD technology and multibody dynamics theory , the modeling and dynamic simulation of virtual prototype of Fuze S & A Mechanism with involute gear train and straight-sided verge Runaway Escapement are studied in this paper .

  23. 本文在对空气悬架进行结构及其运动学的分析时,采用ADAMS虚拟样机技术,建立了简化悬架几何模型,并对车轮跳动时悬架各项参数的变化进行了计算机仿真分析。

    Based on the ADAMS virtual model technology , the paper established the simplified geometric model of the suspension , and studied the effects of the suspension parameters when wheel vibrating .

  24. 采用虚拟样机技术,应用Adams软件对所设计的转向机构进行了动力学分析,得到转向机构工作时液压缸要能产生的最大工作推力。

    Using virtual prototyping technology , carry out steering mechanism dynamics analysis by Adams software . Get the maximum thrust that steering hydraulic cylinders must be able to generate when it working .

  25. 虚拟样机技术(VP)是由计算机仿真、建模技术、计算机图形学、并行工程和多媒体技术等多学科交叉形成的综合性的系统技术。

    Virtual Prototyping Technology ( VP ) is interdisciplinary hybird integrated system , which is made up of simulation , AI , Computer Graphics , Multimedia and so on .

  26. 综合应用满意优化理论和ADAMS虚拟样机技术相结合方法,对QCL03清仓机的工作装置进行了优化设计。

    Applies the method combined by optimization theory of satisfaction and ADAMS virtual prototype to do optimization design researches .

  27. 运用面向整车系统的数字化虚拟样机技术和大型机械系统动力学仿真软件ADAMS建立了包括前后悬架、轮胎、转向系统及整车的多体动力学模型。

    Applying the vehicle-system-oriented numerical virtual prototype technology , the multi-body dynamic models of front suspension , rear suspension , tire , the steering system and a complete vehicle are created with ADAMS software .

  28. 分别阐述了有限单元法和虚拟样机技术的基本理论,同时对大型有限元计算软件PATRAN/NASTRAN和机械动力学软件ADAMS的原理和应用情况给予介绍。

    Then it introduces , the basic principle of finite element and the virtual prototyping , and the principles and appling of Patran / Nastran and Adams .

  29. 利用虚拟样机技术(ADAMS)对双向自增力式制动器建立虚拟样机模型。

    The virtual model for a Bi-directional servo brake is built up by using the virtual prototype technology ( ADAMS ) and being based on the contact analysis about the kinematics and dynamics of rigid body .

  30. 利用虚拟样机技术(VPT)建立了导弹垂直发射过程的动力学仿真模型。

    A dynamic simulation model of missile vertical launching procedure was built by use of virtual prototype technology ( VPT ) .