
  1. 试析国际商务惯例的适用规则

    Rules of Application of Conventions in International Business

  2. 面对我国汽车工业与汽车市场的实际情况,探索出既与国际商务惯例接轨,又符合中国国情的汽车工业企业商务营销渠道不但是重要的而且是非常急迫的。

    Integrating with car industry of our country and the actual circumstance of the car market , investigating the connection with international business customary practice as well as matching the business marketing channel fitting for the state situation of the car enterprises is not only important but also very urgent .

  3. 市场经济是信用经济,在国际交易中讲求信用是国际商务惯例中的首要信条。

    Market economy is credit economy , and striving for credit is the most important creed in international commercial practice .