
  • 网络defense high technology
  1. 论国防高技术的经济开发

    Economic exploitation of defense high technology

  2. 外形隐身目标雷达散射截面高频散射特性的研究国防高技术名词:隐身技术

    Research of High Frequency Scattering Characteristic of Radar Cross Section on Shaping Stealth Targets

  3. 铝合金、镁合金、钛合金是具有一系列优良性能,用途广泛的三大轻合金结构材料,对国防高技术和武器装备的发展具有重要的作用。

    Many good properties and wide application , aluminium alloy , magnesium alloy , titanium alloy have became three major light alloy materials and have many effect in national defence of high-tech and the development of weapon equipment .

  4. 石油和化学工业还肩负着为国防工业提供高技术材料和常规战略物质的重任。

    Furthermore , the petroleum and chemical industry is expected to supply high-tech and conventional strategic materials to national defense industry .

  5. 先进光学元件包括高精度平面和非球面元件,在国防及民用高技术领域都有着重要而广泛的应用。

    Advanced optical components such as high-precision flat and aspheric optical lens , are widely used in high-tech fields of defense and civilian .

  6. 运动控制系统被广泛的应用在数控机床、航空航天、国防现代化等高技术领域中,以各种电机为执行部件的运动控制系统的研究开发与产品化工作十分活跃。

    Motion control systems in which motors are used as executors are widely applied to high-tech fields such as numerical control machine , aerospace , national defense modernization and so forth , development and production of which are flourishing recently .

  7. 锂离子电池作为新一代二次电池体系,具有高比能量及高比功率等显著特点,是移动式电子设备、电动汽车、以及国防军工等高技术应用的理想选择。

    In comparison with conventional battery systems , Li-ion battery possesses intrinsic advantages of high specific energy and high power density and is now considered as the competitive power sources for various applications ranging from microelectronics , electric vehicles to space missions .

  8. 氧化铝陶瓷以其耐热、耐磨和耐腐蚀等优良特性,已成为现代工业、国防和空间技术等高技术领域中不可缺少的新型材料。

    Because of the heat resistance , wear resistance and corrosion resistance , the engineering ceramics has became the indispensable material in the field of modern industrial , national defense and space technology .

  9. 三轴仿真转台是具有重大经济价值和国防战略意义的高技术半实物仿真设备,能够在实验室条件下复现飞行器在空中的各种飞行姿态,其性能直接关系到飞行器仿真结果的逼真度。

    Three-axis simulator is a kind of high-tech hardware-in-the-loop simulation equipment of great economic value and is important for national defense . It can reproduce various postures of flying weapons in laboratory . Its performance indexes directly relate to the fidelity of simulation results .