
  1. 一是加强以信息技术为代表的战略高技术研究。

    First , strengthening the research on strategic high technologies represented by the information technology .

  2. 我国又诞生一大批具有自主知识产权的技术和产品,推动了战略高技术产业和先进制造业发展。

    The independent intellectual technology and production are promote the strategically high-tech industries and advanced manufacturing industry .

  3. 瞄准世界科技发展前沿,加强基础研究和战略高技术研究,集中力量突破一批核心关键技术。

    We will follow closely the latest progress in overseas frontier technologies , strengthen basic research and the research of high technologies of strategic importance , and pool resources to make breakthroughs in developing core technologies .

  4. 而营销战略就是高技术企业的神经系统,两者缺一不可,相辅相成。

    And marketing is the nerve systems .

  5. 产品创新战略是高技术企业产品战略的核心和实施重点。

    Product Innovation Strategy is certainly the core of Product Strategy in the Hi-Tec companies .

  6. 基于战略联盟的高技术企业成长机制研究

    Research on the Growth Mechanism of Hi-tech Enterprise Based on Strategic Alliance

  7. 本论文主要从战略角度考察高技术企业跨边界的学习活动,将跨边界学习划分为两个层面:跨组织边界学习和跨知识边界学习。

    Learning activitis beyond the boundary examined in the paper lies in two aspects : learning across organizational boundary and across knowledge boundary .

  8. 其次,分析在战略联盟下高技术企业成长动力及支持结构,着重研究战略联盟对高技术企业技术创新的推动作用;

    Secondly , we study the growth impetus of hi-tech enterprise in the strategic alliance , specially research the effect brought by strategic alliance on high-tech enterprise 's technological innovation .

  9. 最后,根据以上问题的研究从实施生态位分离的错位经营战略、实现高技术产业生态位的可持续发展和营造高技术产业发展的生态环境三个方面提出高技术产业生态位优化的对策建议。

    Finally , the countermeasure and suggestion are put forward in three respects which include implementing management strategy of niche separation , realizing sustainable development of high-tech industry niche and creating ecological environment of high-tech industry development .

  10. 进入21世纪,世界主要发达国家为了占据世界经济的制高点,都把发展高术产业作为国家的首要战略任务,高技术产业已俨然成为促进经济增长的先导产业和增强一国综合实力的战略性产业。

    Coming to 21st century , the main developed countries get to taking developing high-tech industry as the first strategic task . High-tech industry has become the leading and strategic industry in improving economy growth and promoting the actual strength .

  11. 三轴仿真转台是具有重大经济价值和国防战略意义的高技术半实物仿真设备,能够在实验室条件下复现飞行器在空中的各种飞行姿态,其性能直接关系到飞行器仿真结果的逼真度。

    Three-axis simulator is a kind of high-tech hardware-in-the-loop simulation equipment of great economic value and is important for national defense . It can reproduce various postures of flying weapons in laboratory . Its performance indexes directly relate to the fidelity of simulation results .

  12. MEMS(MicroElectric-mechanicalsystem)是具有战略意义的前沿高技术,是未来的主导产业之一。

    Micro Electric-Mechanical System ( MEMS ) is very important in high tech field , it is one of the main industries in the future .

  13. 贯彻积极防御的军事战略方针,提高高技术条件下的防卫作战能力。

    The army must implement the military strategic principle of active defense and raise its defense capabilities and combat effectiveness under high-tech conditions .

  14. 在当前战略结构调整、高技术产业迅速崛起的背景下,对高技术服务机理的研究,无疑有助于加快我国高技术扩散和技术创新,因而,本研究有着重要的研究价值。

    In the context of strategic structural adjustment , the rapid rise of the high-tech industry , undoubtedly , studying the mechanism of high-tech service will be helpful to accelerate high-tech diffusion and technological innovation in China .

  15. 在此基础上,从企业可持续发展战略视角,结合高技术企业实际,提出了提升我国高技术企业自主创新能力的对策。

    On this basis , combining the reality of high-tech enterprises ' from an enterprises ' sustainable development strategy angle , this text proposed the countermeasures of promoting the high-tech enterprises ' independent innovation ability in our country .

  16. 国际军事战略格局和未来高技术条件下的作战要求,使质量成为武器装备建设的核心。

    The operational requirements for the weapon system in the international military strategic pattern and under the future high-tech conditions put the quality of the weapon system equipment into a core position in the construction of the weapon system .