
  1. 根据其网站披露,摩托罗拉移动风险投资(MotorolaMobilityVentures)主要投资于与其母公司具有战略协同效应的初创公司。

    According to its website , Motorola mobility ventures invests in early-stage companies that have strategic synergies with the parent company .

  2. 结果表明,无论兼并是出自财务协同效应还是战略协同效应,都和知识外溢密切相关。

    The result shows that the strong relationship with knowledge spillover despite of the financial effects or strategic effects .

  3. 研究中隐含着二个假设条件:第一是并购公司与被并购公司之间成功的核心能力转移是并购创造价值的过程,是实现并购战略协同效应的一个主要手段;

    This research implies two hypotheses : firstly , successful competence transfer between the acquiring firm and the acquired firm is both a process of creation values and an approach of achievement M & As strategic synergy ;

  4. 并购活动可以让并购公司获取目标公司的优势资源、技术等来获得并购产生的战略协同效应,从而增强自己的实力,增加公司的盈利,达到最大化公司股东利益的目标。

    Enterprises can obtain the advantage resources and Technology of the target companies through mergers and acquisitions . Then , it can get strategic synergy effect and enhance its strength , increase the profitability of itself to maximize the interests of shareholders of the target company .

  5. 母公司如何通过绩效管理来有效控制和激励子公司以实现集团战略和协同效应已成为母子公司管理研究领域的焦点之一。

    How to effectively control and encourage subsidiaries with performance management to realize the group strategy and create corporate synergies has become the focus of this flied .

  6. 企业通过并购进入更广阔的业务范围与市场领域,企业并购主要是通过并购双方调整和共享,以谋求来自资源、文化和战略上的协同效应,即获得1+1>2的效果。

    It is that enterprises enter wider business scope and market field to M & A.

  7. 通过计算战略并购的协同效应以及与其相关的因素来评估战略并购的绩效是本文的主要目的。

    The aim of this paper is to evaluate performance of M & A through calculation of the synergy and other factors resulted from it .

  8. 在此基础上,把从协同效应角度研究战略并购分为两个层次:战略并购中协同效应的价值研究和其评估研究。

    From the perspective of synergies the research on strategic M & S divided into two parts : the value of the synergies in Strategic Merger , and its assessment .