
  1. 国际箱运班轮公司战略收购的博弈分析马士基收购PO为例

    Game Theory Adopted in Strategy Purchase by container shipping liner Purchase of P O by Maersk

  2. 企业改制和战略收购财务顾问;

    Acting as financial advisor for enterprise restructure and strategic merger ;

  3. 战略收购者也必须要回答“玛莎问题”,虽然方式不同。

    Strategic acquirers also would have to answer the " Martha question , " albeit in a different way .

  4. 但是,交易撮合的接力棒即将从战略收购者传到一批新的私人股本集团手中。

    But the dealmaking baton was about to pass from strategic bidders to the new breed of private equity groups .

  5. 详细介绍了实物期权方法,并运用期权定价公式对企业的战略收购进行了实例分析。

    This paper detailed introduce real option method , and giving a example analysis to enterprises ' strategy purchasing using option pricing formula .

  6. 不仅是由于此项收购交易的规模,而且也是因为可能出现的战略收购者为数很少。

    Not only because of its size , but also because the universe of possible strategic acquirers could probably fit on a chip .

  7. 在并购热潮的多数时期,这些私人股本集团只能在一旁观望,无法与那些将自己高度膨胀的股票当作并购货币的战略收购者竞争。

    These had spent most of the merger boom on the sidelines unable to compete with their strategic rivals ' flaunting of their highly inflated stock as acquisition currency .

  8. 知情人士表示,预计台湾政府更希望看到由本土战略买家牵头收购。

    People familiar with the situation said the government is expected to prefer a local strategic buyer to lead any acquisition .

  9. 他的计划就是将花旗的增长战略从以收购为主,转变为收购和有机增长并重。

    This was to shift Citigroup from a growth strategy based on acquisitions to one based on both acquisitions and organic growth .

  10. 北京只会友好对待具有战略价值的收购,例如中国可以从中获得技术诀窍的交易。

    Beijing will only look kindly on buy-outs that are of strategic value , such as where China benefits from the import of technological know-how .

  11. 香港——在战略投资和收购方面,中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴的表现一向难以捉摸。

    HONG KONG - Alibaba , the Chinese e-commerce titan , has always had a capricious streak when it comes to strategic investments and acquisitions .

  12. 去年,半导体行业的那项基金被大量用于战略投资以及收购外国芯片公司。

    Over the last year , the semiconductor fund has been used to finance a number of strategic investments and acquisitions in foreign chip companies .

  13. 过去五年里,这家市值2100亿美元的中国公司在全球游戏领域进行了多笔战略投资和收购。

    Over the last five years , the Chinese company - which has a market value of $ 210 billion - has made strategic investments and acquisitions of games across the world .

  14. 在品牌的战略中,品牌收购具有比较迅速,时间短、见效快的特点。

    In brand strategy , brand acquisition is relatively fast , the time is short and easy access .

  15. 外国投资方被迫日益偏离他们常见的投资战略,转而寻求收购少数股权。

    Foreign concerns are increasingly forced to depart from their usual investment strategies and settle for small minority stakes .

  16. 品牌价值是企业经营管理、战略规划、兼并收购、投融资活动的重要依据和砝码。

    Brand value is an important basis and weight of the business management , strategic planning , mergers and acquisitions , investment and financing activities .

  17. 这第一笔交易构建了他实现远大目标的战略雏形:通过收购古老但脆弱的家族品牌,打造一个跨国奢侈品综合企业。

    This first deal fine-tuned what was to become the strategy for his big idea - developing a multinational luxury conglomerate by absorbing venerable but vulnerable family-owned brands .

  18. 跨国公司为加强企业核心竞争力,往往通过与其他企业建立战略联盟或通过收购兼并其他企业来强化那些需要加强的业务领域。

    In order to strengthen the core-competitiveness , transnational companies always establish strategic alliance with other enterprises , or merge and acquire other companies to enhance their weaker business fields .

  19. 艾芬豪在一份声明中表示,在其终止限制出售股份的条款后,包括若干大型矿业公司在内的第三方战略投资者,可能收购艾芬豪逾5%的股份。

    Ivanhoe said in a statement that major mining companies are among the third-party strategic investors that might buy a stake of more than five per cent in Ivanhoe , after it terminated the clause that restricted stake sales .

  20. 为此在短期内主要实施以相关多元化为主的公司战略,而在长期内将执行一体化战略和兼并与收购战略相结合的公司战略,包含了战略维持、战略扩张和战略深化三个发展阶段。

    So in the short run the company will mainly focus on related diversification , but in the long run integration strategy and merger & acquisition strategy is a must . The whole company strategy includes strategy sustaining , strategy extension and strategy strengthening .