
  • 网络TAC;TAF;tactical air force
  1. 在大反攻日以及对欧洲的联合进攻期间,“台风”成为了第2战术空军对地攻击群的中坚。

    At the time of D-Day and during the Allied advance through Europe , the Typhoon became the backbone of the2nd Tactical Air Force 's ground attack Wings .

  2. 四个战术空军中队被置于空袭准备状态。

    Four tactical air squadrons were placed at readiness for an air strike .

  3. 国防部要求每次战术空军出击都得经过华盛顿批准。

    The Defense Department wanted authority for each tactical air strike to come from Washington .

  4. 这是一项野心勃勃的计划,其目标是用基于相同设计原理的三种版本的F-35取代美国所有已经老化的战术飞机(包括空军的F-16和A-10战斗机;海军的A/F-18战斗机及海军陆战队的AV8B喷气式飞机),从而大大提高作战效率。

    It was an ambitious undertaking . The aim was to reap huge efficiency gains by replacing nearly all of America 's ageing tactical aircraft ( the air force 's F-16s and A-10s ; the navy 's A / F-18s and the marines " AV8B jump jets ) with three variants of one basic design .