
  • 网络Battle Legends
  1. 而特洛伊战争的传说,其起因就是特洛伊首领之子帕里斯掳走了斯巴达首领墨涅拉俄斯的妻子海伦,于是爆发了这场规模浩大的复仇战争。

    As for the large scale of Trojan War , it outbreaks just because that Paris , son of the chieftain of Troy , abducts Helen , wife of Spartan chieftain Menelaus who then tries his best to do revenge on the city .

  2. 我从来都没去过海滩,因为我来自布鲁克林区,我们只有科尼岛,那里的海滩很可怕,在战争时期有谣传说敌人的潜艇、德国人的潜艇到过科尼岛的浴场区,他们被污染物消灭了。

    I never used to go to the beach , ' cause I come from Brooklyn , we only had Coney Island , which was an awful beach , though there was rumours during the war , that enemy submarines , German subs came into the bathing area at Coney Island , and they were destroyed by the pollution .