
  1. 我会给陆地上走的人唱首安魂曲。

    I will sing a requiem for the land walkers .

  2. 安魂曲》是这次音乐会的演出曲目之一。

    The Requiem is on the list for today 's concert . 《

  3. 1956年的“安魂曲”最初发布于飞利浦唱片,和很短的时间,飞利浦的CD。

    The1956 " Requiem " was originally released on Philips LP , and for a short time , on Philips CD .

  4. 五个AntonioSalieris不会产生莫札特的安魂曲(Mozart'sRequiem)。

    Five Antonio Salieris won 't produce Mozart 's Requiem .

  5. 你那高昂的安魂曲对着一搓泥土。

    To thy high requiem become a sod .

  6. 天使们唱起了威士忌安魂曲。

    The angels sang a whiskey lullaby .

  7. 莫扎特的预感是对的:他写下了自己的安魂曲。

    But Mozart had been right in his premonition : he had written his own requiem .

  8. 15日将在圣约瑟教堂为他举行安魂弥撒。

    There will be a requiem mass for him at St joseph 's church on the15th .

  9. 在安魂弥撒上的女孩子比金属音乐会上的还多。

    There 's more pussy at a black mass than there is at a metaillca concert .

  10. 《战争安魂曲》的创作在英国音乐史上和世界音乐史上有着重要的历史地位。

    War Requiem is of significant importance in the music history of both Great Britain and the world .

  11. 有一天,一位音乐家问贝多芬,这部安魂曲是否真的是苏士梅耶尔而不是莫扎特所作的。

    A musician one day asked Beethoven whether it was true that sussmayer not mozart had composed the requiem .

  12. 麦肯锡表示,他和斯帕诺都认为,柏辽兹的《安魂曲》哪怕对专业合唱团来说都是重大的挑战。

    Mackenzie says both agreed that the Berlioz " Requiem " would be an epic challenge even for mature choristers .

  13. 在真实与虚假中挥之不去的历史,就象在记忆中不断重复的安魂曲。

    A lingering history going between truth and stories , that is like a repeating requiem played For all shared memories .

  14. 她说,她在天主教家庭中长大,演唱《安魂曲》唤醒了她在成长过程中的一些感觉和想法。

    She says singing the " Requiem " aroused feelings and ideas about life she has discovered during her Catholic upbringing .

  15. 除此之外,更精心挑选数首神童短暂一生中的经典合唱作品以及歌剧、安魂曲选粹。

    In addition , several classical chorus works , operas and the essence of Requiem in whizkid 's short life are elaborately picked .

  16. 莫扎特狂热地工作着,自认为他所写的就是他自已的安魂曲&他是依靠借来的时间来完成这个任务的。

    Convinced that this was what he was writing and that : he was living on borrowed time to do it Mozart worked feverishly .

  17. 有关莫扎特的故事中,最著名的可能就是围绕他创作最后一部作品《安魂曲》的情况了。

    Of the stories told about Mozart , the most famous is probably that surrounding his composition of the Requiem , his last work .

  18. 五名音乐家,着整齐晚礼服,在已成一堆废墟的图书馆内,演唱莫札特的安魂曲。

    FIVE musicians in neat evening dress were singing Mozart 's Requiem in a bombed-out library , or rather amid a heap of rubble .

  19. 此人曾经是统治了欧洲几代之久的王国的皇长子,现在为他举行了安魂弥撒和军事仪式。

    A requiem mass and military honours for a man who was once the crown prince of an empire which dominated central Europe for generations .

  20. 隔了三天他们给矮小的公爵夫人举行安魂祈祷,安德烈公爵和她的遗体告别时,走上了灵柩的阶梯。

    Three days afterwards the little princess was buried ; and Prince Andrey went to the steps of the tomb to take his last farewell of her .

  21. 最后,森村以三岛由纪夫作为文化载体成就自我的「日本回归」,也制作致赠20世纪历史男性的安魂曲。

    Finally , Morimura accomplishes his own " return to Japan " through the cultural carrier of Mishima Yukio , and also composes requiem dedicated to the20th century historical Men .

  22. 凌晨3:32,去年4月6日致命地震袭击的时刻,拉奎拉中部比萨大教堂演奏了安魂曲,并大声诵读了所有308名遇难者的名字。

    At 3.32 a.m. , the time the deadly quake struck last April 6 , a requiem was played in L'Aquila 's central Piazza Duomo . The names of all 308 victims were read aloud .

  23. 他说,合唱团的大约200名团员比柏辽兹创作《安魂曲》时设计的规模要小一点。当初柏辽兹设想的是210名合唱团成员,190名器乐演奏员,以及不少于四支在舞台下的铜管乐和定音鼓乐队。

    The nearly 200 voices represented a slightly scaled-down version of the choir Berlioz envisioned for the " Requiem , " which he composed for 210 voices , 190 instrumentalists , and four offstage brass and timpani orchestras .