
  • 网络Security;Safety;cctv
  1. 基于GIS的智能小区安防管理系统

    The GIS-based Safety Management System of Intelligent Uptown

  2. 目前在小区安防中越来越多地使用PIR入侵探测器。

    Passive infrared ( PIR ) intrusion detector is applied in the residence for safety more and more at present .

  3. 各户都有安防系统,还装了有线电视。

    Each of the homes has a security system and is wired for cable television .

  4. 基于ASK无线数传模块的新型安防系统

    A New Security System Based on ASK wireless module

  5. Agent在安防系统中的应用

    Application of Agent in Security System

  6. 基于RFID无线传感网的智能家庭安防巡逻定位系统的设计

    Design of Smart Home Safe-Guard System Based on RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks

  7. 基于CPLD的智能安防报警系统发射模块设计

    CPLD-based Intelligent Security Alarm System Launched Modular Design

  8. ISP技术在智能家居安防系统中的应用

    Application of ISP Technology in the Smart Home Guard System

  9. 随着机器视技术的快速发展,基于CCD技术的监控设备已经在安防领域被广泛应用。

    As the fast developing of the machine-vision technology , the monitoring equipments based on CCDs have been widely used .

  10. 并拥有TD、SECOND两个具有自主知识产权的安防品牌和一项国家发明专利。

    And a TD , SECOND two security with our own brands and intellectual property rights of a national invention patent .

  11. 基于PSTN的智能安防遥控系统研制

    Development intelligent protection alert and remote controlling system based on PSTN

  12. 公司目前主要经营短信广告、ERP软件、无线广播和电子安防,无线商务助企业腾飞。

    The main business , advertising , ERP software text , radio and electronic security , wireless business to help enterprises .

  13. ADSL技术在安防系统中的应用研究

    Research on Applications of ADSL in Security System

  14. 一种基于MMS的低成本汽车安防系统设计与实现

    A Low Cost Automobile Security System Based-on MMS

  15. 设计了基于智能手机和GPRS网络的远程家电控制和安防监测系统。

    A remote household appliance controlling and home security monitoring system based on smart phone and GPRS network is designed .

  16. 将分布式人工智能技术Agent引入安防系统中,并与分布式对象CORBA结合,建立了安防系统集成模型。

    The distributed artificial intelligence Agent was introduced into security system , combining Agent with distributed object CORBA , the integration model of security system was established .

  17. 本文的研究对安防服务企业的发展以及制定STP策略具有一定的借鉴作用。

    The paper has a referential significance for the in development and making STP strategies .

  18. OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition,光学文本识别)技术作为基本的模式识别技术,在计算机输入系统、智能交通系统和安防系统等领域都获得了广泛的应用。

    As a basic Patten Recognition technology , OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) technology is widely used in areas such as Computer Input System , Intelligent Transportation System , Security System etc.

  19. 在情境感知的情境建模阶段,运用Petri网对智能小区安防系统进行建模并仿真分析。

    In the stage of the context model , the paper uses Petri Net to model the intelligent community security and defense system and simulation analysis the system .

  20. 与此同时,在斯普拉特利群岛另一个填海造出的岛屿约翰逊南礁(JohnsonSouth,中国称赤瓜礁)上,在已有的设施之外又建成了一个港口,还有多达六个安防监控塔在建设当中。

    Meanwhile , a port has been added to facilities at Johnson South Reef , another reclaimed island in the Spratlys , with up to six security and surveillance towers under construction .

  21. 第三章构建了一个基于GPRS网络的实际系统,并以此为例,详细分析了新型安防系统的系统架构、应用模式、数据传输方式等关键技术;

    Chapter 3 implements a true system based on GPRS networks , and details the key technologies , including system architecture , operating mode and data transfer .

  22. 通过一个智能安防系统的应用实例,介绍了一种采用MCS-51单片机程序实现多任务机制的简单方法,并给出了源代码。

    A multi-task system based on MCS-51 was introduced , and an example for practical application of intelligent security system was presented .

  23. 编写了智能家居安防系统自动报警信号的接收和处理软件。利用具有高效的数据库和网络开发能力,面向对象的Delphi语言实现。

    This thesis developed the program to input and dispose the alarming signal by means of Delphi language , which has ability to deal with high-effective database and network .

  24. VCA供应商已经持续建立与视频管理软件供应商和安防系统集成商的强有力的伙伴关系。

    VCA vendors have continued to build strong partnerships with video management software providers and security systems integrators .

  25. 本文研究一种新型的基于Φ-OTDR(phase-sensitiveopticaltime-domainreflectometer,相位敏感光时域反射计)分布式光纤传感技术的安防系统。

    In this paper , a novel security systems based on the Φ - OTDR ( phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometer ,) distributed optical fiber sensing technology is proposed .

  26. 随着嵌入式Internet技术的发展,家居的智能化是当前的一种发展趋势,智能化逐步渗透到家庭生活中,如信息家电、水电自动抄表系统、安防系统等。

    With the development of Embedded Internet technology , the home-living is getting more and more intelligent , and intelligence is gradually entering into the family life , such as Information Appliance ( IA ), water and electricity automatic meter reading systems , Alarm System .

  27. 面对目前周界技术难以克服的难题以及安防市场的迫切需求,提出一种基于光纤布喇格光栅(FBG)传感技术的周界安防方法。

    In face of perimeter insurmountable challenges and urgent needs of the security market , we propose a perimeter security method based on fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) sensing technology .

  28. 第一章绪论部分分析了安防的国内国际的环境以及霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)安防以及霍尼韦尔国际的简介。

    The first chapter the introduction section analyzes the security of the domestic and international environment and honeywell security and honeywell international profile .

  29. 这可能是因为电力成本的计算并没有明确的与CCTV联系起来,电费成本不算入责任和安防管理组的预算。

    This is likely because the billed electrical costs are not clearly linked to CCTV , and the electrical bill is not within the responsibility or the budget of the security group .

  30. 随着安防、电子等行业技术的发展,一些电力设施防盗系统中使用专用PT变压器对电力线网络的运行进行实时监控,并且采用无线通讯方式进行报警。

    With development of security industries and electronics technological , lots of special PTs are used to conduct real-time monitoring in the power line network , and wireless communications is used to communicate whit the monitoring center .