
  • 网络Intelligent Building
  1. 试论电浪涌吸收装置(SPD)在智能化建筑中全面推广应用的必要性

    Necessity of surge protection device applied in intelligent building

  2. 介绍电力线通信技术(简称PLC)及剖析其优缺点,并阐述了电力线通信技术在智能化建筑及数字化社区建设中的应用前景。

    The Power Line Communication Technology ( omitted as PLC ) and its advantages and disadvantages are introduced , and the application prospects of PLC in intelligent building and digital community construction are presented in this paper .

  3. 智能化建筑中消防(FAS)是一个完全独立的系统,它不与其它智能系统的技术与通讯交流,将影响到FAS系统的发展,阻碍其自身的技术革命和升级换代。

    Inside a modern intelligent building , Fire Automatic System ( FAS ) is still an absolutely independent system . The FAS 's lack of communication with other intelligent system technology must affect FAS ' development , handicap FAS ' technologic renovation and updating .

  4. 现代智能化建筑防雷技术应用

    The Modern Intelligence Turns the Building Defends the Thunder Technique Application

  5. 智能化建筑综合布线系统工程设计规程

    Code for engineering design of generic cabling system for intelligent building

  6. 在现代的智能化建筑中,火灾监测系统是不可或缺的安全装置。

    Fire observation system is an important safeguard in modern intelligent buildings .

  7. 智能化建筑给排水计算机辅助设计系统研究及探讨

    Research on the Intelligent CAD System for Water Supply and Sewerage Works

  8. 智能化建筑设备监控系统在医疗建筑中的节能作用

    Function of energy saving of intellectual construction equipment monitoring system in medical architecture

  9. 智能化建筑的广播音响系统原理及系统集成设计

    Elements and Integration of IB Broadcasting & Sounding System

  10. 未来建筑的新趋势&智能化建筑

    The New Trend in the Future & Computerized Buildings

  11. 智能化建筑材料的应用及控制技术

    Application of Intelligent Building Materials and Its Control Technique

  12. 浅谈智能化建筑的设计与施工管理

    On the Design and Constructing Management of Intelligentized Architecture

  13. 浅析智能化建筑中的综合布线系统

    Analysis on Comprehensive Wiring System in Intelligent Building

  14. 基于智能化建筑电气中关键技术的分析

    Analysis of Key Technology Based on Intelligent Building

  15. 智能化建筑工程监理的研究

    Study on Supervision of Intelligent Building Project

  16. 智能化建筑(小区)网络与设备管理的特点与内容

    Characteristics Content of Network Equipments Management for Intelligent Building On Property Management for Intelligence Building

  17. 浅议我国智能化建筑的可持续发展

    Sustainable Development of Intelligent Building in China

  18. 智能化建筑中工艺对土建的要求

    Requirements on Building in Intelligent Construction

  19. 智能化建筑的防雷技术与设计要点

    Lightning protection design of intelligence building

  20. 智能化建筑的系统集成

    System Integration of Intelligent Building

  21. 智能化建筑(小区)物业管理的水平,直接取决于管理人员的素质和数量的配置。

    The property management level of intelligent building or residential district lies on the quality and quantity of administrators .

  22. 该系统已在实践中得到成功应用,系统设计简单、抗干扰能力强、扩展方便,在诸如食品加工、医院、智能化建筑等领域的多点温度检测中有广泛的应用前景。

    This system has been successfully applied in practice , which is a perfect choice to temperature patrol measurement system .

  23. 随着高层智能化建筑的快速发展,人们对建筑物内的电梯提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the rapid development of high-rise and intelligentized buildings , the higher requirement of the elevators has been put forward .

  24. 现代化综合布线是智能化建筑的信息化基础,是大楼弱电系统的基石。

    Modern intelligent building integrated wiring is the basis of the information , is the cornerstone of building weak current system .

  25. 随着高层建筑和智能化建筑的不断出现,作为交通运输工具的电梯也越来越显得重要。

    With the prevalence of high-rise and intelligent buildings , elevator has become more and more important as the main conveyance between floors .

  26. 综合布线系统是智能化建筑中的重要组成部分,采用传统的人工管理方式很难对其进行有效的管理。

    GCS is the important composition part in intelligent building , with traditional artificial management way , is nearly impossible to carry out effective management for it .

  27. 本文着重于工程建设中智能化建筑施工方法的探讨,在工程现场施工中,提出了对智能化建筑施工的合理建议和方法,指导工程现场施工。

    This paper mainly deals with the methods of construction in intelligent architecture and puts out a reasonable suggestion in intelligent architecture and gives instructions in site production .

  28. 本文就智能化建筑弱电工程的实施、工程项目管理的重点、弱电工程的质量控制进行分析与探讨。

    In this article , Intelligent Building of weak implementation of the project , the focus of project management , weak quality control of engineering analysis and discussion .

  29. 智能化建筑是21世纪建筑业的主导方向,他是建筑技术与电子信息技术相结合的产物。

    In the 21st century , intelligent building is the dominant direction of the construction industry . It is the combination of construction technology and electronic information technology product .

  30. 智能化建筑的设计目标是要实现楼宇综合管理自动化、通信及办公自动化,使建筑物内的电力、照明、空调等高效运行。

    The design goal of intelligent building is to achieve automation of building integrated management , communication and office , which makes power , lighting and air-condition operate efficiently .