
  • 网络Intelligence theory;theory of intelligence
  1. 智力理论研究的新进展

    The New Progress of the Study of the Theory of Intelligence

  2. 林崇德的思维结构模型,是其智力理论的核心。

    The model of the thinking structure by Lin Chongde is the core of his theory of intelligence .

  3. 与传统的智力理论与测验相比,PASS理论在许多方面都有独特的优势。

    Compared with traditional intelligence theory and tests , it has its unique advantages in many ways .

  4. Gardner提出的多元智力理论对传统教育观念带来了全方位冲击。

    The theory of multiple intelligences put forward by Gardner has brought us enlightenment in different aspects .

  5. 文章主要探讨了HowardGardner在20世纪80年代初提出的多种智力理论。

    The paper studies the theory of multiple intelligences ( MI ) proposed by Howard Gardner in the early 1980 's.

  6. Moodle平台下多元智力理论在语文教学中的运用和实现

    The Multi-dimensional Intelligence Theory 's Applications and Implementation in the Chinese Language Teaching under the Moodle Platform

  7. 多元智力理论的评价观给我们的启示是:评价应全面反映教育现象和课堂教学现象的真实情况,为改进教育和课堂教学实践提供真实可靠的依据。

    Evaluation should provide reliable basis . For improving educational practice .

  8. 越来越多的教师和学生都受益于这个全新的智力理论。

    More and more students and teachers are benefiting from it .

  9. 智力理论研究的进展及其对教育的启示

    Evolvement of Research on Intelligence Theory & Its Enlightenment for Education

  10. 多元智力理论在化学课堂教学过程中的应用研究

    The Applied Study of the Multi-intelligence Theory in Chemistry Classroom Teaching

  11. 论智力理论演化的系统观

    A Talking about the Standpoint for the Evolution of Intelligence Theory

  12. 多元智力理论的职业教育学意义

    On the Significance of Vocational Education of the Theory of Multi-intelligence

  13. 成功智力理论:内涵、实践及启示

    The Theory of Successful Intelligence : Notion , Practice and Implication

  14. 情绪智力理论对运动心理学研究的启示

    Inspiration of the Theory of Emotional Intelligence to Sports Psychological Study

  15. 智力理论的新进展及其教育涵义

    The New Progress of Intelligence Theory and Its Enlightenment on Education

  16. 加德纳在对传统智力理论进行批判的基础上,于1983年提出了多元智能理论。

    According to the critical review on the traditional intelligence theories , Dr.

  17. 浅谈情绪智力理论的发展及其对我国教育的启示意义

    The Development of Emotional-intelligence Theory & Its Revelation to the Chinese Education

  18. 多元智力理论体现出差异性、文化性与实践性等特征。

    Multivariate intelligence theory advocates features of divergences and practice .

  19. 以多元智力理论审视民办高校学生评价体系

    Analysis System on Civil-run College Based on Pluralistic Intelligent Theory

  20. 多元智力理论的评价观及其对学生发展评价的启示

    Assessment Concepts of MI and Inspirations on the Evaluation of Student Development

  21. 多元智力理论与多元化学生评价

    The Theory of Multiple Intellgence and Multiple Evaluation to Students

  22. 智力理论中元认知成分探析

    An Exploration and Explanation into Meta-cognition Components of Intelligence Theory

  23. 多元智力理论对转变学生评价机制的启示

    Enlightenment of Multiple Intelligence Theory to Transforming Student Assessment Mechanism

  24. 文章阐述了多元智力理论的缘起、内容和性质。

    This article elaborates the theory 's origin , content and nature .

  25. 成功智力理论对儿童发展的影响

    Effect of Successful - Intelligence Theory on Development of Children

  26. 多元智力理论及其对大学生自我意识培养的启示

    Multiple Intelligence Theory and Importance on Cultivating the Self-Consciousness in University Students

  27. 多元智力理论视域下的课堂文化重建

    From the View of the Multiple Intelligences Theory for Classroom Cultural Reconstruction

  28. 论多元智力理论与语文教学的整合

    Research on Language Teaching in Perspective of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

  29. 多种智力理论与教学活动的安排

    Theory of multiple intelligences and the arrangement of foreign language teaching activities

  30. 浅解多元智力理论及其与外语学习的关系

    An Understanding of Multiple Intelligences Theory and Its Relationship with Foreign Language Learning