
  • 网络Intelligent Human Computer Interface;Intelligent Machine-Human Interface;immi
  1. 对多媒体数据表达和智能人机接口,手语合成都非常有意义。

    Sign Language synthesis is valuable to multimedia data expression and intelligent human computer interface .

  2. 基于Agent的智能人机接口技术

    Intelligent Interface Technology Based on Agent

  3. 本文对自适应智能人机接口的研究状况、构成和设计准则及应用进行了论述,并探讨了该技术在CIMS中应用的必然性和发展前景。

    This paper presents the research situation of the intelligent adaptive interface system and its constitution , design criterion and application , as well as the inevitability and prospects of its application in CIMS .

  4. 表情生成技术是智能人机接口领域的重要研究内容之一。

    The expression generation is one of important research contents of intelligent human-computer interface .

  5. 自适应智能人机接口技术

    Technology of the Intelligent Adaptive Interface System

  6. 自然场景中的文本信息提取无论应用于智能人机接口还是为基于内容的图像检索服务,都将具有广泛的应用前景。

    TIE in natural scene illustrates a good prospect of application whether it is applied to the intelligent man-machine interface or to the services of content-based image retrieval .

  7. 如:聋哑人与正常人之间的交流、虚拟现实中的多模式接口、手语新闻、智能人机接口等。

    Such as the communication between deaf-mute and normal person , multi-model interface of Virtual Reality , TV news in Sign Language , intelligent human - computer interface etc.

  8. 眼动跟踪技术是研究视觉信息加工最为有效的手段,也是未来智能人机接口的关键技术之一。

    Eye tracking methodology is not only the most effective way of visual information processing , but also one of the key methodologies of future intelligent human-machine interface .

  9. 在基于内容的视频检索、数字视频处理、智能人机接口、视觉监测等方面有着重要的应用价值。

    It has great value in many areas , such as : content-based video retrieval , digital video processing , human computer interface , video surveillance and so on .

  10. 人脸的检测和识别是众多基于对象的视频应用的技术基础,这些领域包括基于对象的编码和交互、智能人机接口、计算机视觉等。

    Face detection and recognition is the technical foundation of many object-based video applications , such as object-based encoding , decoding and interaction , intelligent human-machine interface , and computer vision .

  11. 人脸识别是一种重要的生物识别技术,它广泛应用于机场和其它重要场所的安检、场景安全监控、金融交易、智能人机接口等多种场合。

    Face recognition is one of the important biometrics techniques which is widely used in many field , including safety inspect of airport and other important place , financial business , intelligent Human-Computer-Interface , etc.

  12. 视线跟踪技术是未来智能人机接口的关键技术之一,在工业控制、机器人学和临床医学上有着广泛的应用前景。

    Eye gaze tracking is one of the key techniques of the intelligent interface in the future between human and computerized devices and has widespread prospects of application in industry control , robotics and clinical medicine .

  13. 人脸检测是全自动人脸识别系统和许多监视系统的第一步,也是自动目标识别和通用物体检测的重要方面,在智能人机接口、数字视频处理、保安等领域有着极为广泛的应用价值。

    Face detection is the first step for any fully automatic face recognition system , and also a step in many surveillance systems towards Automatic Target Recognition ( ATR ) or generic object detection / recognition .

  14. 一般信息管理系统都只使用有限信息集,为之开发较友好的具有智能的人机接口是可行的。

    Usually , a commonly used MMIS uses a finite information set .

  15. 机器字符识别是计算机智能化人机接口的关键技术。

    Optical character recognition is the principal technology of computer intelligence man-machine interface .

  16. 视景仿真技术是汇集了计算机图形学、多媒体、人工智能、人机接口、传感器、高度并行的实时计算等多项关键技术。

    Vision simulation concerns technologies such as the computer graph , multimedia , artificial intelligence , man-machine interface , the sensor , parallel calculations .

  17. 在定义机器智能和人机接口智能的基础上,为人机合作智能系统引入一个模拟和分析系统智能的工具,即智能任务图。

    Basing on the definitions of machine intelligence and human computer interface intelligence , we introduce a tool of modeling and analyzing system intelligence , namely an intelligent task graph , for the human machine cooperation system .

  18. 人脸表情识别的目的是在非接触的情况下通过计算机自动识别出人脸的表情,进一步分析出人的情感或情绪,是智能化人机接口领域的一个重要研究课题。

    Facial Expression Recognition ( FER ) which aims to recognize the facial expression in the non-contact way by the computer and analyze the affection and emotion of the human is an important research topic in the intelligent human and machine interface field .

  19. 该技术在人脸识别、人群监控、智能人机交互接口、基于内容检索和图像压缩编码等领域得到了广泛的应用。

    If there are some then return their locations . Human face detecting technique has gained extensive application in many fields such as human face identification , crowd control , intelligent user interface , content based image search , image compress coding and so on .

  20. 虚拟现实技术近年来在技术研究领域十分活跃,它汇集了计算机图形学、多媒体技术、人工智能、人机接口技术、传感器技术、高度并行的实时计算技术和人的行为学研究等多项关键技术。

    Virtual reality technology is very active in the technique research area in recent years , it gathered together the computer graphics , multi-media technique , artificial intelligence , human-computer interface technology , sensors technique , highly parallel real-time computing technology and human behavior research .

  21. 智能仪表交互式人机接口方案研究

    Research on a Scheme of Mutual Instrumental Man-Computer Interface

  22. 开发较友好的具有初步智能的人机交互接口,并使之具有推理和学习的功能,是当今信息系统开发和研究的主流。

    Developing an intelligent human-machine interface for MIS is the mainstream of today 's information processing system .

  23. 智能优化模型和人机接口通过VISUALBASIC6.0实现。智能优化系统和PLC控制系统之间的数据交换通过OPC技术实现。

    The model of the intelligent optimizing system and HMI is implemented by the Visual Basic 6.0 . The data exchange between the intelligent optimizing system and PLC control system with the OPC technology .

  24. 基于自然语言的智能决策支持系统人机接口

    Natural Language Based Intelligent Decision Support Systems User Interface

  25. 智能控制开关的人机接口设计

    Design of manual-machine interface of intelligent - controlled switch

  26. 给出了一种用于控制井下低压电器的智能控制开关的人机接口的软硬件设计。

    A kind of human-machine interface of intelligent-controlled switch used to control low-voltage electric equipments in coal mines is introduced .

  27. 该领域的研究有着广泛的应用价值,如应用于智能安全监控、人机接口、人体运动细节分析等方面。

    Research in this domain involves wide applications , including security surveillance , human-computer interface and the details analysis of human movement .