
  • 网络camera phone;cameraphone
  1. 跟拍照手机打个招呼,亚历山德拉

    Say hello to camera phone , Alexandra .

  2. 帮个忙如果看到达蒙拿着个拍照手机就告诉我

    Do me a favor . Tell me if you see Damon with his camera phone .

  3. 一群恶毒的女孩在更衣室中嘲弄嘉莉?怀特(CarrieWhite),用拍照手机将她受辱的情景拍了下来并把它传至网络。

    The mean girls who taunt Carrie White in the locker room record her humiliation with camera phones and upload it to the Web .

  4. 拍照手机镜头MTF的测量方法

    Measuring method of mobile phone lens MTF

  5. 在iPhone5s的土豪金颜色选择或指纹识别功能引发的喧哗骚动之外,人们没有意识到这款手机是拍照手机的一个转折点。

    Lost in the hype and hubbub around the 5s 's gold option or fingerprint sensor is that it marks a turning point in camera phones .

  6. 针对目前市场上流行的高像素拍照手机,利用ZEMAX工程光学设计软件,对其摄像镜头进行了设计与优化,并对优化后的结果进行了分析。

    For the high pixel mobile camera phone in present market , the pick-up lens was designed and optimized by using ZEMAX optical design software , and the optimized results were analyzed .

  7. 那拍照手机是她免受牢狱之灾的保障

    The camera-phone is her get out of jail free card .

  8. 数码相机/拍照手机成像色彩测量方法

    Mobile Phone File Method of color test for digital cameras and camera phones

  9. 我告诉过你这拍照手机是我的生命

    I told you that camera-phone was my life .

  10. 这部拍照手机是我的生命福尔摩斯先生

    That camera-phone is my life , Mr Holmes .

  11. 不过我要里面的拍照手机

    But I will have the camera-phone though .

  12. 用数码相机或拍照手机拍下您或您朋友的行动。

    Take a picture of yourself or your friends doing this with your camera phone or a digital camera .

  13. 很多人拿着拍照手机给美食拍照,但有时候拍出来的效果却没那么激发人的食欲。

    Most of us reach for our camera phones to photograph a meal , sometimes with less than appetizing results .

  14. 迄今为止,全球已经有数亿人在使用拍照手机,他们完全有能力拍摄出高质量的照片和录像。

    With hundreds of millions of camera phones in circulation , consumers are able to take high-quality photos and videos .

  15. 不是因为他们不想,只是因为他们拿不到迪克·切尼拍照手机的密码。

    Not because they don 't want to , but because they can 't get the password for Dick Cheney 's camera phone .

  16. 数码相机、摄像机、智能拍照手机的普及产生了海量的数码照片文件和视频文件。

    The popularity of digital cameras , camcorder , and smart camera phones generates a large number of digital image files and video files .

  17. 当你必须在路上的时候(为《谍中谍3》做宣传),经常使用可拍照手机吗?

    While you 're having to be on the road ( making promotional appearances for M : I : III ), is the camera-phone being used a lot ?

  18. 拍照手机成为真正的文化现象,允许老百姓快速地与世界分享惊天动地的事件。

    The camera phone became a bona fide cultural phenomenon , allowing the average Joe to quickly and personally share both mundane and earthshaking events with the rest of the world .

  19. 当前成像技术的快速发展,使数码相机、可拍照手机等设备日益普及,各种各样的图像数量飞速增长。

    With the rapid development of imaging technology , digital cameras and other imaging devices are becoming more and more popular . So the number of available images increases at an explosive speed .

  20. 当前,随着数码相机和具有高像素拍照手机的普及和大众化,一种以数码照片的保存、回放和浏览为核心功能的产品,数码相框应运而生。

    Nowadays , with the mass popularity of digital cameras and high-pixel camera phones , one kind of digital photo frame came into being , whose core function is preservation , playback and browsing of digital pictures .

  21. 拍照手机镜头由于体积小、后焦短、所配感光器的像素越来越高,正投影法测量用的CMOS/CCD受其保护玻璃厚度和自身像素的制约而有局限性;

    The volume of mobile phone lens is very small , the back focus length of lens is very short and resolution power of sensor is more and more high . The obverse projection method is limited because of protective glass and pixel of CMOS / CCD .

  22. 因此,当使用者用Android手机拍照,手机里面的程序就会翻译图片里面的文字段落&尽管现在只是支持德语翻译成英语。

    So should the user take a photo from his Android device , the application can translate the text in that photo & though right now it only supports German-to-English translations .

  23. 随着数字照相设备和具有拍照功能的手机的普及,数字图像的数量正在急剧的膨胀。

    The amount of image information is rapidly rising due to digital cameras and mobile telephones equipped with such devices .

  24. 随着高科技的发展,现在有越来越多获取信息的方式,比如数码相机,摄像头,带拍照功能的手机等,它们都是非常有效的一种获取信息的方式。

    Along with development of high technology , there are more and more channels to catch information . For example , digital camera and cell phone with camera function are kinds of electric products which are being widely used , and these are effective ways to get information .

  25. 谷歌与微软近日同时加入了旨在提升手机拍照画质的”拍照手机画质倡议“组织。

    Google and Microsoft have simultaneously joined the Camera Phone Image Quality Initiative in a bid to drive up the quality of handsets .