
pāi shè jiǎo dù
  • shooting angle;taking angle
  1. 由于视觉文档图像的拍摄角度随意性大、采集环境复杂,导致图像存在各种失真,使得OCR系统的识别效果不佳。

    Because the shooting angle is arbitrary and gathering environment is complex , camera-captured images often have a variety of distortion and make the recognition of OCR system ineffective .

  2. 由于曝光次数和拍摄角度都不一样,给粒子像点的配对增加了难度。

    Exposure frequency and shooting angle are both different , so the matching of particle images is very hard .

  3. 游客们在正爬上岩石寻找最佳的拍摄角度。

    Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle

  4. 借助非凡的照明技术和拍摄角度,Adam能拍出华丽的照片,洋溢着美与乐趣。

    With the use of great lighting techniques and imaginative angles , Adam creates magnificent images that reflect beauty and fun .

  5. sphere可以放在电脑旁边的桌面上,因为装有马达,它可以摇摄及倾斜拍摄角度,而pro9000则是放置于台式电脑或笔记本电脑显示屏上方。

    The sphere is designed to sit on a desktop alongside a PC and is motorised so it can pan and tilt , while the pro 9000 clips on to the top of a desktop or laptop monitor .

  6. 首先,对集装箱图片进行预处理、图像分割,然后提取集装箱的几何特征、HSV颜色特征和纹理特征,作为支持向量机的特征输入,最后采用支持向量机算法能够识别各种拍摄角度下的集装箱。

    Firstly , preprocess the container image , and separate the different image segmentation . Secondly , Extract the feature vectors of container image includes geometry , color , texture vectors . Finally , recognize the container from the image using SVM method .

  7. 导演和电影摄影师好不容易才对好了拍摄角度。

    The director sweated out a camera angle with the cinematographer .

  8. 电影运用了多种拍摄角度和富有创意的剪辑。

    Movies use a variety of camera angles and creative editing .

  9. 同时,对由于拍摄角度产生的误差进行了分析研究。

    Errors due to viewing angle are analyzed and studied .

  10. 或者还可能从不同拍摄角度观看!

    Possibly from different camera angles !

  11. 你也可以根据自己的喜好选择全屏或者宽屏观看,或者还可能从不同拍摄角度观看!

    You can choose full screen or wide screen as you like possibly from different camera angles !

  12. 电脑重摄是指从旧照片的拍摄角度重新拍摄的照片。

    Computational rephotography is a fancy name for photos taken from the exact same viewpoint as an old photograph .

  13. 或者,我会把显示器调整到一个有利的拍摄角度,镜头对准目标进行拍摄。

    Or I swivel the monitor to an advantageous angle and shoot with only the lens pointing at the subject .

  14. 花园还配有专门设计的摄影角,自拍爱好者可以在这里找到最好的拍摄角度,留下自己的美丽瞬间。

    Selfie lovers can make use of a specially designed photography corner to capture , in the best angle possible , their memories .

  15. 对一些人而言,这种与众不同的拍摄角度使得该片有些摸不着重点,但这正是我最欣赏的地方。

    For some , this unusual angle may make the film seem unfocused . But that 's what I like most about it .

  16. 由于车标受到光照、噪声、拍摄角度的影响,常规的辨识算法难达到满意结果。

    By the influence of the light , noise and shooting angle , the conventional recognition algorithm is difficult to achieve the satisfying results .

  17. 经过策划,她的座位被安排在最佳拍摄角度,其缓慢脱下外套的镜头曝光后便走红网络。

    After getting a seat best for being photographed , she began taking off her red coat in slow motion during Obama 's speech , firing up comments on the Internet .

  18. 对该方法的精度和一些影响位移测量的因素如图像大小,拍摄角度,离焦,镜头畸变等进行了分析,探讨了方法的适用范围。

    The accuracy of this method and some influencing factors such as image dimension , shooting angle , defocus and lens distortion were analyzed and the scope of application was studied .

  19. 倾斜校正主要是用基于直线旋转投影的算法检测由于拍摄角度等问题造成的车牌牌照图像的倾斜角度,再对牌照图像进行矫正处理。

    Tilt correction is mainly used an algorithm based on linear-rotation-projection to detect the tilt angles caused by wrong directions in which we got these license plate images , then the tilted license image is correct .

  20. 结合数码摄像的实践经验,从均衡性、别、拍摄角度、比、条运用及运动构图6个方面浅述数码摄像构图的要点。

    Combining with working experience the author explores six aspects equilibrium , the kind of screen , screen-angle , contrast , exercise line and motion-composition , such as explains the key point of digital-camera film composition .

  21. 如果处理得当的话,一般察觉不到拍摄角度的存在,除非银幕上有字母出现,不过很多时候在银幕顶部和底部留有三角形的边界。

    If cropped properly , this is hard to tell unless there 's text on the screen , but a lot of times these are left with triangular borders on the top and bottom of the screen .

  22. 说起自拍,诸多因素都会直接影响到照片的最终效果,比如正确运用光线、找准拍摄角度、捕捉绝佳的拍摄背景,以及之后对照片相应的处理。

    When it comes to taking selfies , knowing the right way to utilize the light , finding the best angle , capturing an outstanding background , and proper editing can directly affect the quality of your final product .

  23. 特种镜头系列及夜视瞄准镜国债技改项目管理或者,我会把显示器调整到一个有利的拍摄角度,镜头对准目标进行拍摄。

    The Project Management on the Technical Innovations of Special Lens Series and Night-vision Collimator with the National Debts ; Or I swivel the monitor to an advantageous angle and shoot with only the lens pointing at the subject .

  24. 阐述了植物和土壤的反射光谱特性与形成这一光谱特性的物理与生物机制,对彩色图像背景分割影响因素(光照强度、太阳高度角、土壤干湿程度和拍摄角度)进行了理论分析。

    It introduces the characteristics of reflection spectrum of plant and soil , and their physical and biological mechanism , and influencing factors such as light intensity , sunny exposure , picture taking angle and content of soil moisture that effect color image segmentation are analyzed in theory .

  25. 纪录片通过镜头、语言、剪辑、音响、细节、节奏、意境、拍摄角度、结构安排及声、光、色的配合来向观众呈现被摄对象的自我观点。

    By means of lens , language , edit , sound , details , rhythm , mood , shooting angle , structure arrangement and the cooperation of sound , light and colour , the author demonstrates the self-view of the object being shot to the audience in this article .

  26. 该方法利用两台数字相机从不同的拍摄角度对粒子进行拍摄,根据不同的散射角度条件下激光散射强度的不同,获得具有灰度差异的粒子图像,以此进行粒子粒径的测量。

    In this system , two digital cameras are used to capture images from different shooting angle , according to Mie scattering theory , at different scattering angle , laser scattering intensity is different , so two pictures with different particle gray scale can be captured by the two cameras .

  27. 标准尺寸的三脚架可能会不便于使用,用于拍摄低角度的物体时尤其如此。

    Full-size tripods can be awkward , especially if you 're shooting a low-level subject .

  28. 他特意带我们爬上楼顶,给摄影师介绍各个拍摄的角度。

    He went out of his way to lead us onto the roof and showed the photographer favorable angles for taking pictures .

  29. 这张照片显示的是银河系中心,拍摄的角度朝向人马座和天蝎座星系方向。

    This view looks towards the centre of the Milky Way , in the direction of the constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius . ( Image : Babak Tafreshi )

  30. 然后,我勇敢地小心地从腹部举起了相机,估计了拍摄的角度,当时我越过我的头拍了几张照片。

    Then I dared to lift my camera carefully from my belly and estimate an angle of a shot , and then I made several pictures across my head .