
  • 网络Image quality;Picture Quality;sharpness
  1. X射线安检设备数字图像品质综合评价方法

    Digital Image Quality Evaluation Method of X-Ray Security Inspection System

  2. 最后,结合遥感相机的特点,给出了减少大气影响、提高图像品质的建议。

    Based on the features of remote sensor , the suggestion about how to reduce the atmosphere 's influence and improve the image quality is provided .

  3. 对于消费者来说,柯达重返被照式CMOS感光市场是对图像品质的良好保证。

    It 's great to see that Kodak are getting into the back illuminated sensor market simply because it means a better quality image for the consumer .

  4. 遥感图像品质由成像链的状态和性能决定。

    The quality is determined by the status and performance of the image chain .

  5. 在保证图像品质的前提下,若能提高图像压缩率,对视频处理芯片来说是非常好的。

    Increasing the image compression ratio is very good for video processing chip on the premise of ensuring image quality .

  6. 理论与实验表明:该定义比模糊指数更符合人眼的视觉特性,并可用于评价图像品质。

    Being proved both in theory and in experiments , this definition is in better accordance with human subjective vision than that of fuzziness index and can be used to assess the image quality more reasonably .

  7. 通过空间交迭的方法,该算法能够削弱传统DCT自适应水印算法的块状噪声,从而提高图像的品质。

    A method of spatial overlap-add is utilized in this algorithm . It can reduce the block noise exist in the traditional DCT watermarking algorithm and improve the quality of the image .

  8. 最后,基于仿真环境下,用灰色聚类分析的方法来评估航空态势图像的品质。

    Lastly , The quality of aviation situation picture is evaluated by grey-cluster analysis method based simulation environment .

  9. 图像的品质评定是图像处理领域的一项重要课题,难以对其给出客观的评价。

    Assessment of image quality is an important problem in image processing , but it is very difficult to give an objective evaluation .

  10. 过了一段时间,我正设计的对象拥有了一些我用作原型的图像的品质。

    After a certain time , the object I am designing takes on some of the qualities of the images I use as models .

  11. 实验表明,本算法较好保持了原始图像的品质,对非几何攻击和有损压缩具有较好的稳健性。

    It is difficult for pirate to predict the position of embedded watermark . Experimental results show that the algorithm maintains the quality of the original image and is robust to non-geometric attack and loss compression .

  12. 为评价基准图上各区域图像匹配品质的优劣,提出了一组适配性度量指标参数(尖锐性、唯一性和抗噪声性),以描述基准图上每点的适配性能。

    This paper presented a group of suitable matching metric parameters : m s , m u and m n for defining matching performance of every point at reference map so that the quality of image matching can be globally evaluated .

  13. 最后总结出了MTF精确度的影响因素,能够在合适的条件下给出一个最有效的印刷版材感光乳剂的调制传递函数,从而保证印刷图像传递的品质。

    Factors influencing the precision of MTF were summarized , and an accurate and effective MTF of photo emulsion in given condition can be provided to achieve high quality of image transfer .

  14. 基于激光图像的苹果品质分析与模型

    Modeling apple quality changes based on laser scattering image analysis

  15. 动态图像采集在鸡蛋品质检测中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Image Grabbing in Detection of Egg Quality

  16. 基于多光谱图像的水果外观品质检测方法研究

    External Quality Inspection of Fruits Based on Multispectral Imaging

  17. 高光谱图像在农畜产品品质与安全性检测中的研究现状与展望

    Recent research and prospect of hyperspectral imaging for inspecting quality and safety of agricultural and poultry products

  18. 综述了利用计算机视觉技术和多光谱图像技术进行水果品质检测和自动分级的国内外研究进展,并指出了国内外同类研究中所存在的问题。

    The main research contents and results were as follows : 1 The research advancements and achievements in the area of non-destructive quality inspection of fruits and automatic grading with machine vision and multispectral imaging were reviewed , and the existing problems were put forward .

  19. 将该方案应用于低档数字相机图像的处理,提高了图像品质。

    We use it to improve resolution of images acquired by a low-end digital camera .

  20. 最后用图像修正函数,校正嵌入水印后的图像边缘失真,以维护图像的视觉品质。

    Finally with the image amending function , to revise the image edge distortion after embedding watermark , we aim to hold maintenance the vision quality of the image .

  21. 本文使用DSP替代专用图像处理芯片,仅通过图像处理算法的升级便可以在不更改硬件的前提下改善图像打印品质。

    This paper uses DSP instead of special image processing chip and improves the quality of the image only by improving the image processing method but not changing the hardware .

  22. 最后一章探究中国当代油画图像转向的内在矛盾与现实的关联,即在油画创作的图像化倾向中实际上还包含着反图像的意义,而最终实现超越图像的品质。

    The fourth chapter probe into the association between inherent contradictions and reality of " pictorial turn " of Chinese contemporary oil painting , that is , the " image tendency " actually contains a meaning of " counter-image ", which ultimately leads to a quality surpass " image " .