
  • 网络Library Board;library committee
  1. 遗憾的是,2011年伍斯特图书馆委员会禁止了这项“每天半裸半小时”的活动,指责这种行为会让其他自习的同学分心。4.跳进浴缸泡个澡

    Sadly in 2011 Worcester Library Committee banned the would-be strippers , ruling that ' Half Naked Half Hours " posed a distraction to other studiers . 4 .

  2. 在过去的一年,OCLC与图书馆咨询委员会合作,共同为图书馆指导建立创新服务。

    For the past year , OCLC has worked with an Advisory Council of libraries to help guide efforts to build these innovative new services for libraries .

  3. 服务·垄断·监督&兼论高校中图书馆工作委员会的核心职能

    Service · Monopoly · Regulation & The Key Function of the Library Committee in the University

  4. 建立专业图书馆协调委员会;建立合理的馆藏布局;建立文献工作标准化体系,积极开发和利用新技术。

    To solve these problems , the author recommends updating idea , establishing a coordination committee , rationalizing library collections , standardizing library operation and utilizing new technologies .

  5. 2009年9月中国图书馆学会学术委员会举办云计算与图书馆专题研讨会在上海召开,标志着图书馆界正式涉足云计算领域。

    September 2009 organized by the Academic Committee of China Society for Library Science " Cloud Computing and Libraries " workshop held in Shanghai , marking the official involved in the library community of cloud computing .

  6. Erskine将与帝国战争博物馆、英国博物馆、图书馆及档案馆委员会、北爱尔兰博物馆委员会、威尔士国家图书馆以及苏格兰博物馆委员会合作,参与“他们的过去,你的未来”项目,以帮助学生进一步了解战争史。

    Erskine will work in partnership with Their Past Your Future ( TPYF ) project , a partnership of the Imperial War Museum , the Museums , Libraries and Archives England , the Northern Ireland Museum Council , the National Library of Wales and the Scottish Museums Council , to help school children learn more about the conflicts .

  7. 国际文献、图书馆和档案咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Documentation , Libraries and Archives

  8. 美国全国图书馆和情报科学委员会

    National Commission on Libraries and Information Science , NCLIS

  9. 图书馆间合作特设委员会;

    Ad Hoc Committee on inter-library cooperation ;

  10. 大学图书馆联合咨询顾问委员会

    Joint University Libraries Advisory Committee

  11. 北爱尔兰博物馆委员会、威尔士国家图书馆以及苏格兰博物馆委员会合作,以帮助学生进一步了解战争史。

    Erskine will work in partnership with Their Past Your Future ( TPYF ) project , a partnership of the Imperial War Museum , the Museums , Libraries and Archives England .

  12. 常驻牛津的怀尔德认为,在英国博物馆、图书馆和档案馆委员会(后并入英国艺术委员会),自己是一个“卑微的角色”,这令他确信档案管理员有必要找到更广泛的受众。

    For the Oxford-based Mr Wild it was his " lowly role " at the UK 's Museums , Libraries and Archives Council ( later incorporated into the Arts Council ) that convinced him of the need for archivists to find a wider audience .

  13. 本文通过对高校图书馆的本质属性&服务性及其客观存在的服务垄断性的简要分析,引出强调监督职能的意义所在,进而分析并提出了监督职能应作为高校中图书馆工作委员会核心职能的观点。

    By analyzing the monopolization that is essential attribution in the service of university library , the paper emphasizes the significance of regulatory function , points out that supervisory function is the core function of working committee in the university libraries .