
  • 网络architectural design competition
  1. 广东省博物馆新馆国际建筑设计竞赛

    The international architectural design competition for the new Guangdong Museum

  2. 广州白云国际会议中心建筑设计竞赛方案评析

    Review and Analysis of the Architectural Design Competition Project of Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Centre

  3. 鞍山道B地块规划建筑设计竞赛方案

    Program of Anshan Street Site B Planning and architecture design contest

  4. 寻找失落的辉煌&2005年UIA国际建筑设计竞赛方案

    Finding the Lost Resplendence & The Scheme of the 2005 UIA International Architecture Competition

  5. OMG的“RFP”流程是一种大致类似于建筑设计竞赛的开放流程,在这场竞赛中,多个行业组织可以自由独立地开发和提出对RFP的回应。

    The OMG " RFP " process is an open process roughly similar to an architectural competition in that multiple industry groups are free to independently develop and propose RFP responses .

  6. 本文为1999国际建协大学生建筑设计竞赛获奖作品介绍。

    This paper introduces the works winning UIA Prize in 1999 international student confrontation .

  7. 日本概念式建筑设计竞赛剖析

    Analyzing the Architecture Idea Competition in Japan

  8. “台达杯国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛”报名踊跃

    People actively sign up to attend " taida cup international solar energy building contest "

  9. 佘晓白等中国建筑师在建筑设计竞赛中获奖

    Chinese Architects Win International Prizes

  10. 适应山地的建构&泉州儿童发展职业学院规划与建筑设计竞赛方案

    Construction of Adapting the Mountain : The Competition Program of Planning and Architectural Design of Quanzhou Children Developing Vocational College

  11. 2007年,工作室作品“高成绿能总部办公楼”荣获江苏省三维建筑设计竞赛一等奖。

    In2007 , the work Gaocheng green energy headquarters win the first prize in the three-dimensional design competition in Jiangsu province .

  12. 针对中国国家大剧院建筑设计竞赛提出了自己的观点:建筑创作制约条件的设定要始终如一;

    The author advances his own opinion to the architectural design competition of National Grand Theater : Given condition for restricting architectural creation should be constant .

  13. 将近一个世纪以来,概念式建筑设计竞赛从实践型竞赛中脱离出来,不断发展壮大最终成为一种成熟完善的竞赛体系。

    For almost a century , architecture idea competition has separated from the architecture competition for construction , and eventually has grown into a mature system .

  14. 通过沈阳市图书馆、儿童活动中心国际邀请建筑设计竞赛方案的案例,对单体建筑设计基本概念的形成应如何从城市形态学的角度入手,做出了具体的诠释;

    Through the international design competition of Shenyang Library and Children 's Activities Center , this paper analyzes the basic designation idea of single building from the viewpoint of urban morphology .

  15. 本文介绍了这种竞赛的组织方法,并呼吁中国应当建立规范的建筑设计竞赛制度,同时应防止目前竞赛中过分注重形式的不良倾向。

    This paper introduces the organization rules of Proposal Competition and appeals that China should set up its own architecture design competition system and should avoid putting undue emphasis on form in architecture design competition .

  16. 而绿.里&探索一种基于绿色技术层面上的亲情化住区模式的建筑设计竞赛,则是探索在技术支撑体系下的注重心理健康和绿色交往的更深层次的绿色含义。

    " Green , li " & study on one green technological aspect - based kindred architectural design contest of mode of living , under technical support system pay attention to psychological health in green architectural .

  17. 本文收集了大量的概念式竞赛资料,包括从上世纪五十年代至今的竞赛主题与作品,力图为读者展示一幅概念式建筑设计竞赛的全景式画卷。

    The paper collected a lot of idea competition information , including the themes and works of the competition from the fifties in last century till now , to show the reader an overall view of the idea competitions .

  18. 内涵继承与形式创新&海口火车站建筑设计国际竞赛方案

    Invariability of Connotation Invariability of Style Haikou Railway Station International Competition Architecture Scheme Project

  19. 国信证券大厦建筑方案设计竞赛评审会于2010年10月18日在深圳市规划大厦举行。

    The jury meeting for the International Schematic Design Competition of Shenzhen Guosen Securities Tower is hosted in Planning Building on October18th , 2010 .

  20. 介绍了日本第19届建筑环境设计竞赛的获奖作品成长的旅程的构思完形过程和主要设计内容。

    This paper introduces the conception and design content of the Growing Parade , a design work that received award in the 19th Building and Environment Competition in Japan .

  21. 可持续发展的传统住区之思考&国际建筑专业学生设计竞赛获奖作品《传统社区生命的延续》创作解析

    Thinking about the Sustainable Development of Traditional Community & Analyzing the Prize-winning Design of International Students of Architecture

  22. 反映生活,镜像文化&第23届世界建筑师大会学生设计竞赛第2名作品分析

    Mirror the life , mirror the culture : the analysis to the 2nd prize project of the international competition for students , xxiii World Congress of Architecture

  23. 从城市概念开始的建筑设计思考&沈阳市图书馆、儿童活动中心国际邀请建筑设计竞赛方案分析

    Architectural Design Thinking from Urban Concept & The International Design Competition of Shenyang Library and Children 's Activities Center

  24. 从中国建筑民族风格探索的角度评论《国家大剧院》建筑设计方案竞赛的有关设计方案,分析其三种模式设计思路,并从历史发展的视角予以评价。

    In the light of exploring the national style of Chinese architecture , the thesis comments on some projects of architectural design competition of National Grand Theater , China , analyses design thinking of the three patterns , and evaluates them from the angle of historical development .