
  • 网络finishing line;Key Line
  1. 而今年,Nuon8仅比第二名RedOne早3分钟到达重点线。

    This year , their Nuon8 arrived at the finish line just three minutes ahead of second-place winner , Red One !

  2. 2006年,学校在首届中考中,上重点线的学生人数和比例均在同类学校中名列前茅。

    In2006 , the first in school examinations , the focus on line and proportion of the number of students in similar schools ranking .

  3. 建国初期,限于财力物力,公路建设采取先求其通,后求其好的方针,重点对于线公路进行初步的整修恢复。

    The early years of the Republic , limited financial resources , the highway construction had taken approach of " first to pass , after for good ", focusing on the main highway to the initial renovation restoration .

  4. 本文重点对电力线信道中噪声如何更加有效去除的问题进行了分析和研究,鉴于同步技术在电力线通信中的重要作用,还提出了一种适合于电力线信道的OFDM盲同步算法。

    The de-noising in the power line channel is analyzed and researched in this paper . Considering the importance of synchronization , a modified blind OFDM synchronization algorithm is proposed .

  5. 简要介绍了唐钢连续彩涂生产线的工艺流程和产品大纲,重点对生产线的质量控制系统进行了分析和说明,采用先进的工艺设备及控制技术,可生产高质量的彩涂产品。

    The processing and product of the color coating line Tangshan Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd. were simply in -

  6. 该方法以存储器函数变换技术为基础,提出一种针对图像传感器响应不均匀性问题的实时补偿技术,并结合其工作原理重点阐述了线阵器件的技术实现途径。

    Basing the memory function transform technique , the compensation principle and technical realization to the linear devices particularly wers discussed .

  7. 重点对电力线的扩频通讯系统做了大量的实验和研究,分析了扩频载波技术在电力线通信系统中的优势和主要问题,并提出了延长电力线传输距离的措施和方法。

    My work focused on the experiments and research of the communication system through power lines based on the spread spectrum theory and analyzed the advantages and main problems of the system .

  8. 本文在上一届研究生研究的基础上,在图形生成算法上加以进一步改进,重点在刻度线、字符的反走样处理上,研究出了更合理的算法,提高了图形显示质量。

    The thesis based on the research of the last graduate student improves the graphics creating arithmetic more and puts forward more effective arithmetic on scale lines and character for high display quality .

  9. 介绍了南水北调工程概况,重点阐述其中线水源丹江口大坝加高工程的进展,施工难点,新技术、新工艺、新材料的应用情况。

    The general situation of South-to-North Water Transfer Project is described ; the focal points are on the progress situation and construction difficulties of Danjiangkou Dam heightening , and the application of new techniques and materials in this works .

  10. 重点介绍调车线尾部防溜系统的基本原理和控制技术、取得的技术经济效果,并提出进一步完善该系统的设想。

    This paper mainly introduces basic principle and control technology of the system of the preventing of running off at the end of marshalling tracks , economic effect of the technique obtained and puts forward the assumption perfecting further the speed control system .

  11. 本文重点研究了传输线矩阵法(TLM)在电力系统二次设备屏蔽体的设计中的应用。

    The transmission line matrix method ( TLM ) about the design of the shielding of the secondary equipments in power system is mainly researched in this paper .

  12. 本文的重点在于对生产线规划设计进行分析研究。

    This article focuses on the production line planning and design study analysis .

  13. 重点是缩短供应线,让沟通更为便利,运输更不容易受到破坏。

    The emphasis is on shortening supply lines to make communication easier and transport less prone to disruption .

  14. 重点叙述了涂装线中上涂π型烘道的改造方法及改造后的使用效果。

    This article focuses on the refitment method and usage effect after refitment of π - type baking channel of finishing line .

  15. 本文介绍毫米波基片的高精度制作技术,重点涉及精确传输线的高精度制作方法。

    The technology for accurately manufacturing millimeter wave PCBs is introduced , with emphasis on the accurate manufacturing of precise transmission lines .

  16. 本文研究的重点是基于四线电阻式触摸屏的在线签名数据采集系统的软硬件设计。

    The key point of this paper is the software design and hardware design for on-line signature data acquisition system based on four-line resistance touch panel .

  17. 为提高扣丝生产的效率,降低工人的劳动强度,文章研制开发了一套扣丝成型设备,重点介绍了多线可调式扣丝成型机的结构组成、工作原理及优点。

    In order to enhance production efficiency of loop-tie-wire and reduce labor intensity of workers , this paper developed a suit of loop-tie-wire forming machine molding equipment .

  18. 我们叙述了不整合面的几种情况,并重点讨论了测线方向与倾斜层方向不一致时所形成的偏移成像有效波的脱缺量。

    This paper gives several unconformity circumstances and emphatically discusses the disjunction of migration imaging effective wave formed when the line direction is not consistent with the dip direction .

  19. 重点解决了栏目线、项目栏的设置及辅助线的使用等问题。

    Some focal problems are also solved , such as how to install the line of the title column and the item column , and how to use supplementary line .

  20. 针对中铝西南铝引进的(1+4)热连轧生产线安装调试问题,重点对该生产线主传动电机及主传动控制系统的方案选择进行介绍。

    The selection of main driving motor and main driving control system for the line were induced in dealing with the problems existed in the commissioning of 1 + 4 hot tandem rolling line imported by SWA .

  21. 通过相关文献资料调研,介绍了帘线钢生产工艺流程及其冶炼、精炼和连铸技术现状,重点分析了帘线钢的质量控制。

    The production process of tyre cord steel was presented , and the technical status quo of smelting , refining and continuous casting of tyre cord steel were analyzed by investigation technical data . The quality control means were suggested .

  22. 课题重点研究了电力线载波通信技术,该系统的研究内容是建立在通信信道研究的基础上,重点分析了低压电力线信道的特点,主要包括传输线干扰特性、信道噪声和信道衰减等特征。

    The project focuses on the power line carrier communication technology which is based on the communication channel and analyze the low-voltage power line channel characteristics , such as line noise characteristics , channel noise and channel attenuation and so on .

  23. 重点介绍了方向线素特征的提取方法以及基于统计的网格特征的研究成果,并分析了这些特征在文字识别方面的优劣性。

    This paper detail introduces the method about the extraction of characteristics of the direction of the line based on statistics , as well as the characteristics of the grid research , and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses about these characteristics in Chinese character recognition .