
zhònɡ xínɡ kǎ chē
  • heavy truck;heavy-duty truck;juggernaut
  1. 重型卡车驾驶室乘坐舒适性研究

    Research on Improving the Ride Comfort of Cab for Heavy-Duty Truck

  2. 重型卡车两种悬架模型的开发与仿真

    Development and Simulation of Two Kinds Suspension Model for Heavy-duty Truck

  3. 重型卡车不断地隆隆驶过。

    Heavy trucks kept thundering past .

  4. 两辆重型卡车在街角处相撞。

    Two heavy trucks collided with each other at the street corner .

  5. 新草坪被重型卡车辗得伤痕累累。

    The heavy truck cut up the new lawn .

  6. 一辆重型卡车隆隆驶过。

    A heavy truck lumbered by .

  7. 隆隆驶过村庄的重型卡车

    juggernauts roaring through country villages

  8. 重型卡车建模及ABS算法研究

    Heavy Truck Modeling and ABS Algorithm

  9. n.通过,通道旧桥不够坚固,无法让重型卡车通过。

    passage The old bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of heavy trucks .

  10. TPG公司包括一个金融租赁服务机构和一个重型卡车租赁业务机构。

    The company includes a financial leasing services unit and a heavy truck leasing business .

  11. 据CCTV报道,我国上周四在上海发布了一款无人驾驶电动重型卡车,这也是全球首款。

    China unveiled an electric self-driving heavy truck in Shanghai last Thursday , according to CCTV , which is also a world first .

  12. ZF参加中国的达姆勒&奔驰重型卡车制造工程

    ZF Participates in the Daimler-Benz Heavy Truck Manufacturing Project in the People 's Republic of China

  13. 正如麦肯锡合伙人迈克尔?崔(MichaelChui)指出的那样,更换目前在美国道路上行驶的大约200万辆重型卡车成本极其高昂,这些卡车的平均寿命为20年。

    As Michael Chui , a partner at McKinsey , points out it is vastly expensive to replace the estimated 2m heavy trucks on US roads , with an average lifespan of 20 years .

  14. 在上月香港市场首日交易中,重型卡车制造商中国重汽(sinotruk)和干散货运输企业中外运航运(sinotransshipping)的跌幅都超过了13%。

    Shares in SINOTRUK , a heavy-truck maker , and Sinotrans shipping , a dry bulk carrier , last month each fell by more than 13 per cent on first-day dealings in Hong Kong .

  15. 某重型卡车驾驶室悬置匹配分析

    Study of Matching of Some Heavy-Duty Cab Suspension System The Truck

  16. 重型卡车驾驶室结构优化前后耐撞性研究

    Study on Crashworthiness of Heavy Truck Cab on the Structural Optimization

  17. 2007年中重型卡车市场的速度之战

    A Speed War for the Mid and Heavy-duty Truck Market in 2007

  18. 我相信贵方已研究了我们的重型卡车报盘。

    I believe you have stud our offer on heavy duty truck .

  19. 重型卡车发展的形势分析

    The Situation Analysis on the Development of Heavy Duty Truck

  20. 重型卡车驾驶室焊点的拓扑优化分析

    Analysis of topological optimization on optimal heavy truck cab 's spot-weld layout

  21. 希望本文也能对国内其他重型卡车企业具有一定的借鉴意义。

    And hopes other heavy truck enterprises could benefit from this paper .

  22. 高顶双卧重型卡车改装设计

    Refit Design on the Heavy Truck with High-roof and Double - sleeper

  23. 重型卡车驾驶室模态灵敏度分析与结构优化

    Modal Sensitivity Analysis and Structural Optimization of the Cab of Heavy-duty Truck

  24. 重型卡车举升液压缸产生异响原因分析

    Analysis on Abnormal Noise in Lifting Cylinder of Heavy Truck

  25. 重型卡车车身灵敏度分析研究与拓扑优化设计

    Sensitivity Analysis of Heavy-duty Truck Frame and Topology Optimization Design

  26. 重型卡车一经过,整所房子都震。

    The whole house vibrates whenever a heavy lorry passes .

  27. 重型卡车日夜不停地从他们家呼啸而过。

    Day and night heavy trucks roared past their houses .

  28. 论重型卡车装配生产线建设项目管理

    Study on Project Management for Building of Heavy Duty Truck Product Line

  29. 一辆重型卡车在厚厚的积雪中艰难地行进。

    A heavy lorry floundered about in deep snow .

  30. 高先生,您觉得我方关于重型卡车(heavy-dutytruck)的报价怎样?

    How do you find our offer on heavy-duty trucks , Mr gao ?