
  1. 论高等教育自学考试制度的经济、社会功能

    Economic and Social Function of Self Taught Examination System in Higher Education

  2. 高等教育自学考试制度的发展论略

    On the Development of Higher Education Self-study Exam System

  3. 正确认识高等教育自学考试制度的合法地位与独特价值

    Understanding Correctly the Legal Status and Unique Value of the Self-taught Higher Education Examinations

  4. 高等教育自学考试制度是一种社会化的考试制度和教育形式,是向全社会开放的没有围墙的大学,与其他教育形式相比,具有最大的开放性。

    Self-study examination of higher education is a socialized examination system and education form . Self-study examination of higher education is open to the whole society without barriers .

  5. 在社会助学与个人自学的促进下,高等教育自学考试制度在一定的政治、经济和文化背景下得以建立起来。

    Under the promotion of self-study and social aid in study , the STE had been established in the background of a certain political 、 economy and culture .

  6. 本文首先从研究背景及选题的依据和意义入手,对我国高等教育自学考试制度的内涵和产生的历史背景进行了论述,并从自学考试制度的历史纵向和内部横向两个方面进行仔细分析。

    This article starts with the evidence and significance of the title choice , discusses the connotation and history background of the System and analysis on the portrait and inner landscape orientation of the System .

  7. 国外有着与高等教育自学考试制度相近或类似的教育考试制度,并有大量可借鉴的研究成果。

    There is sort of education in abroad which is quite close , to or similar to our self-study higher education examination , so there are a large number of research results which can be used for reference .

  8. 终身教育对高等教育自学考试招生考试教育制度也有重大影响。

    Life-long education also has important influence upon the system of self-study examination of high education .

  9. 作为对普通高等教育的补充,自学考试制度有利于促进社会流动,建设和谐社会。

    As a complement to the regular higher education , self-taught examination will make for the social mobility and the harmony of society .

  10. 作为我国开放式高等教育重要形式的自学考试制度,三十年来为我国高等教育事业做出了重要贡献。

    As the basic form of open-higher education in our country , self-study examination system has made great contributions to the cause of higher education for three decades .