
  1. 本文介绍了来自Boost的高可扩展性Spirit解析器框架。

    This article introduces the highly scalable Spirit parser framework from Boost .

  2. 激光捕获显微分离-高可信度全基因组mRNA扩增技术的建立及其在食管癌细胞基因检测中的应用

    Establishment of laser captured microdissection-high fidelity genome-wide mRNA amplification technique

  3. WebSphereProcessServer为客户构建可伸缩且具有高可用性的应用程序环境提供了坚实基础。

    WebSphere Process Server offers a solid basis for customers to build a scalable and highly available application environment .

  4. PIN的分化级可高可低。

    PIN can be low or high grade ( as seen here ) .

  5. 如前所述,这种场景支持消息高可用性,并且通常可以在企业级WebSphereProcessServer环境中看到。

    As stated earlier , this scenario enables messaging high availability and will usually be seen in enterprise scale WebSphere Process Server environments .

  6. 他对DB2高可用性、备份以及恢复解决方案有着特别的兴趣。

    He has special interest in DB2 high availability , backup , and recovery solutions .

  7. 具有高可调增益范围的CMOS宽带中频调制器

    A CMOS IF Modulator with High Gain Adjustment Range

  8. 它的核心是强大的J2EE引擎,该引擎被设计用来获得高可伸缩性和健壮性。

    At its core is a powerful J2EE engine designed for high scalability and robustness .

  9. 可以分布在多个HTTP服务器上,以增加容量或实现高可用性。

    May be distributed across multiple HTTP servers for increased capacity or for high availability .

  10. SOA的架构模式具有高可重用性、松耦合性等特点,使企业能够按照市场需求快速的做出应变。

    The high reusability and loose coupling characteristics of SOA make enterprise adjust to the market demand immediately .

  11. 由于TechnologyConnectorFramework中的限制,其他技术连接器在此时也不能提供高可用性。

    All of the other technology connectors cannot be made highly available at this time due to a limitation in the Technology Connector Framework .

  12. 其次,我们实现了Web应用服务器集群中的负载平衡和失效恢复服务,为Web应用服务器提供了高可信赖度和高伸缩性。

    Secondly , load balancing and fault tolerance services , with which web application server cluster achieves its high reliability and scalability , are implemented in this thesis .

  13. 在相互接管(mutualtakeover)配置中,所有节点都执行高可用性(可移动的)任务。

    In a mutual takeover configuration , all nodes are performing highly available ( movable ) work .

  14. 为了提供高可用性,需要为SIP容器使用无状态SIP代理。

    The stateless SIP proxy is required for the SIP container to be highly available .

  15. 我们设计和实现的IP网络管理系统具有高可扩展性、高可维护性,具有动态负载平衡和良好的开放性。

    The IP network management system we design and implement has high expansibility , high maintainability , it is open with dynamic load balancing .

  16. TerracottaforSpring是通过在多个JVM集群来给基于Spring的应用提供高可用性的运行时。

    Terracotta for Spring is a runtime that brings high-availability to Spring-based applications through clustering across multiple JVMs .

  17. 然而,技术连接器(technologyconnectors)不能利用这个功能,因此它们不得不依赖另一个方法提供高可用性。

    However , the technology connectors don 't leverage this functionality , so they will need to rely on another method of providing high availability .

  18. 要实现可伸缩性和高可用性,您可以在WebSphereNetworkDeployment集群中配置WebSphereESB及其相应的消息传递引擎。

    For scalability and high availability , you can configure WebSphere ESB and its corresponding messaging engine in WebSphere Network Deployment clusters .

  19. P2P系统因其各节点完全对等和网络自组织性等原因而天生具有高可伸缩性和高可靠性等特点。

    P2P systems inherently have high scalability and reliability because there is no centralized server and the network self-organizes itself .

  20. 只要配置正确,很多JMS的实现都提供了故障转移和高可用性能力。

    When properly configured , many JMS implementations provide the ability for failover and high availability .

  21. 文章介绍了一种高可用性的模块化UPS冗余系统的具体实现。

    This paper introduces the implementation of a modularized UPS redundant system with high reliability and high availability .

  22. 一个具有高可用性的动态容错VoD系统

    A High-availability VoD System with Dynamic Fault Tolerant

  23. HA:了解如何通过集群实现高可用性,以及如何妥善处理应用基础架构内的故障。

    HA : Learn how to achieve it through clustering and how to gracefully handle faults within your application infrastructure .

  24. J2EE作为一种成熟的企业级系统应用架构,具有安全性、高扩展性、负载均衡和高可重用性等特点。

    J2EE is excellent enterprise application architecture . It is secure , highly scaleable , reusable and has a high performance .

  25. 基三分层互连网络(THIN)是一种具有高可扩展性、高层次性和低网络复杂度的并行处理体系结构。

    Triplet-based hierarchical interconnection network ( THIN ) is a type of parallel processing architecture , which has high expansibility , good hierarchy characteristic and low network complexity .

  26. 它具有跨平台、分布式、高可扩展等特性,实现了Web信息的下载、保存、归档、分析和查询功能。

    It is platform-independent , distributed and highly scalable . Its functions include Web information download , information storage , document archive , analysis of information , and a convenient retrieval interface .

  27. J2EE体系结构提供多层次的框架来满足无需太多费用而又需要高可用性、高可靠性以及可扩展性的应用需求。

    J2EE architecture provides an n-tier framework to satisfy application requirements with low cost , high usability , high reliability and extensibility .

  28. 下面的步骤用于准备IBMCloud中的一个实例,以利用提供高可用性的虚拟IP地址方法的优势。

    Following are three steps to prepare an instance in the IBM Cloud to take advantage of the virtual IP address method of providing high availability .

  29. 我首次接触高可用性(HA)是在20世纪80年代,当时在从事商业对地同步通讯卫星方面的工作。

    My first exposure to high availability ( HA ) was in the 1980s , working on a commercial geosynchronous communications satellite .

  30. 一方面,IP用户可以利用它从第三方供应商提供的众多同类型IP中选择合适、高可重用性的产品,从而最大程度的降低设计成本和风险;

    On one hand IP users can select appropriate and high reusable products in the IPs library so that they can reduce the design cost and risk greatly ;