
  • 网络high pressure jet grouting pile
  1. 高压旋喷桩复合地基的设计与施工

    Design and Construction for High Pressure Jet Grouting Pile Composite Foundation

  2. 高压旋喷桩在防洪堤基础工程中的应用

    Application of high pressure jet grouting pile in foundation projects of flood embankment

  3. 高压旋喷桩内插H型钢在支护工程中的应用

    Application of plugged H-type steel in high pressure rotary jetting piles in timbering engineering

  4. PHC管桩施工遇到孤石的高压旋喷桩加固处理

    Reinforcement Treatment of Solitary Stone by High-pressure Rotary Spraying in the Construction of PHC Piles

  5. 低强度桩包括水泥搅拌桩、水泥砂浆桩、高压旋喷桩、CFG桩等强度比钢筋混凝土桩低的多的素混凝土类桩。

    Low strength pile is the plain concrete pile , including cement mixing pile ; cement morta pile ; high-pressure rotary jet grouting pile ; CFG pile etc. , which strength is lower then reinforced concrete pile .

  6. 提出了将CFG桩和高压旋喷桩有机结合应用的复合地基,结合工程实例,通过现场原位试验,证明在山区复杂地质条件下这种复合地基的应用价值。

    This paper introduces the composite foundation of CFG pile and high-pressure rotary jet grouting pile . Combined with practical work , in situ test show the application value of this technology under complicated geological conditions in mountain area .

  7. 高喷插芯组合桩(JPP)是由高压旋喷桩和预应力混凝土芯桩构成的一种新型组合桩。

    Jet grouting ( JG ) soil-cement-pile strengthened pile ( JPP ) is a new kind of composite pile composed of high-pressure jet grouting pile and prestressed core pile .

  8. 加劲高压旋喷桩抗拔性能有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on withdrawal resistant property of stiffening soil-cement pile

  9. 高压旋喷桩有关问题的探索和研究

    Exploration and Research on Some Problems of High-pressure Rotary Grouting Pile

  10. 高压旋喷桩常用于基坑止水帷幕中。

    High-pressure rotating pile is usually used in waterproof curtain .

  11. 插型钢高压旋喷桩基坑支护方法

    Foundation pit support method of sectional high-pressure spiral spraying pile

  12. 高压旋喷桩施工技术在高速铁路路基上的应用

    Application of High-pressure Chemical Churning Pile to High-speed Railway Subgrade

  13. 高压旋喷桩加固地基的施工实践

    Construction practices of foundation reinforcement high pressure grouting pile

  14. 高压旋喷桩止水技术在深基坑开挖中的应用

    Jet pile sealing technology in the deep excavation application

  15. 高压旋喷桩基坑支护技术

    Technology of High Pressure Spin Spray Pile Used in Shoring of Ground Pit

  16. 高压旋喷桩在盾构进出洞洞门加固中的应用

    Application of High-pressure Spraying Pile on Strengthening of Portal Parts on Shield Construction

  17. 高压旋喷桩施工在处理路基中存在的问题

    Questions encountered in application of high-pressure rotary jet grouting pile in roadbed treatment

  18. 高压旋喷桩的施工探讨

    Discussion on the construction of high-pressure rotating pile

  19. 三重管高压旋喷桩施工技术

    Triple tube jet - grouting pile construction technique

  20. 高压旋喷桩技术加固软土地基设计与施工

    Design and Construction of High Pressure Jet Grouting Pile Technology In Reinforcing Soft Ground

  21. 高压旋喷桩复合地基工程实例分析探讨

    An exploration into the concrete instances of high pressure injection pile compound bed project

  22. 高压旋喷桩止水帷幕在深基坑中的应用某基坑搅拌桩止水帷幕失效的分析与处理

    Application of water-seal drapery for high-pressure spiral spraying piles in deep foundation pit support

  23. 高压旋喷桩+冲(钻)孔灌注桩在基坑中的应用

    The high pressure rotating pile and punched cast-in-situ pile application in foundation pit support

  24. 两种液化耦合影响砂层地基高压旋喷桩效果的探讨

    Effects of two liquefactions coupling on high pressure jet grouting piles on sand foundation

  25. 高压旋喷桩在软基加固中若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems of High-pressure Jet Grouting Pile for Reinforcement in Soft Ground

  26. 高压旋喷桩在高速公路隧道软基加固中的应用

    Application of High Pressure Jet Grouting Pile in Strengthening Soft Foundation in Expressway Tunnel

  27. 高压旋喷桩施工中的环境危害与控制

    The Environmental Hazard and Control of the High Pressure Jet Grouting Spin - pile

  28. 高压旋喷桩在减小排架柱基础振动加速度中的应用

    Application of the chemical churning pile in reducing the vibrating acceleration of the frame foundation

  29. 高压旋喷桩在海南滨海地区软基加固中的应用萨纳加滨海区世袭土酋协会

    The application of high pressure spraying pile in littoral area soft foundation reinforcement in Hainan

  30. 高压旋喷桩施工水下系梁的探讨

    Probe into the Construction of the Underwater Collar Beam of the High-pressure Jet Grouting Pile