
  1. 白宫高级幕僚周一否认了来自非洲官员、以及援助团体代表和医生的批评,他们指责美国在疾病面前行动缓慢。

    Top White House aides on Monday rejected criticism from African officials , doctors and representatives from aid groups who said the United States had been slow to act in the face of the disease .

  2. 高盛希望在国会或盖特纳有机会从根本上改变运作方式前就开小差,而其高级幕僚的任命过程还遥遥无期,盖特纳至今仍在唱独角戏。

    Goldman wants to bolt before Congress or Mr Geithner , who still operates as a one-man band while the nomination process for his senior staff meanders along , has the chance to change fundamentally how it operates .