
  1. 中国近现代高等学校章程述略

    Study on School Charter of Modern Universities in China

  2. 本文力图阐明高等学校章程绝对必要记载事项的具体内容及文本格式。

    This paper should be documented the main contents and the text format of the statute .

  3. 规章价值取向的偏差;高等学校章程不健全,造陈规范体系的断层;

    The university and college stand rule isn 't sound and the regulation system isn 't perfect ;

  4. 高等学校章程是高等学校设置的必要条件,也是推进依法治教和建立现代大学制度的必然要求。

    Statute is the necessity to set up schools of high education , and it is also the requirement of establishing modern university institution and promoting law-based teaching .

  5. 此外对高校去行政化的法律最新进展:《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》和《学校教职工代表大会规定》进行了简单的概述。

    In addition to the university to the administrative law the latestprogress : The Higher School for Articles of the Interim Measures and the SchoolTeaching a Workers Congress the Regulations the provisions of the simple overview .

  6. 当前我国部分高校正在开展制定章程的试点工作,同时,教育部公布了《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》,要求全国高校陆续制定出台大学章程。

    Some universities in China now are embarking on the development of charter . At the same time , Ministry of Education announced Higher to Develop Charter the Interim Measures to require the national universities to work out the university charter .