
dì yī jiā
  • first hand
  1. 自从1976年开设第一家店以来,它已经在39个国家里开设了大量分店。

    Since its first shop was opened in 1976 , it has sprouted outlets in 39 countries .

  2. 仅仅几个月之后,Leah就开经营她的第一家瑜伽工作室,然而成功并非一蹴而就。

    Only a few months later Leah opened her first yoga studio , but success was not instant .

  3. 现在我刚开了第一家店。

    Now I 've just opened my first shop .

  4. 最后,经过十年的努力,1967年6月,他终于攒够了钱,开了我们的第一家披萨店。

    Finally . after ten years of hard work , in June1967 , he managed to save enough and opened our first pizzeria .

  5. 第一家克隆农场在新西兰出现。

    The first clone farm has appeared in new zealand .

  6. 皮娅·温伯格是一位海洋科学家,她经营澳大利亚第一家食品级海藻养殖公司。

    Pia Winberg is a marine1 scientist who runs Australia ’ s first food-grade farmed seaweed company .

  7. Ziferblat经营理念已经在俄罗斯取得成功,现在,这个连锁公司在伦敦旧街开了第一家店。

    Ziferblat is a concept that has already proved popular in Russia - and now the chain has opened its first cafe in London 's Old Street .

  8. 今年5月,ValueRetail在中国苏州建立了第一家购物中心。

    In May , Value Retail opened its first mall in China , in Suzhou .

  9. A是第一家招揽到顾客就餐的餐馆,之后A的顾客会越来越多,直到这家餐馆客满,B无人问津为止。

    The first to attract patrons attracts more patrons until one might be full and the other empty .

  10. 公司最近在上海开设了第一家店铺,它的正装男鞋【想想电视剧《广告狂人》(MadeMen)】售价在175美元至695美元之间。

    The company , whose dress shoes ( think mad men ) sell for $ 175 to $ 695 , opened its first store recently in Shanghai .

  11. MG是莫里斯的第一家公司,名称由“莫里斯汽车”首字母组合而成。

    Morris , MG is the first company name from " Morris car ," a combination of the first letter .

  12. 熟悉该决定详情的人士表示,中国建设银行已被选定为英国第一家人民币清算银行,此前的预期热门曾是其本国竞争对手中国银行(BankofCHina)。

    People close to the decision said CCB had been selected as the first UK renminbi clearing bank , despite earlier expectations that it was likely to be local rival Bank of China .

  13. 2009年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)首次向公众介绍了达里奥和他的成功故事,在主流媒体中是第一家。

    Fortune , back in 2009 , was one of the first major publications to profile Dalio and his success .

  14. 这不是NullStern的创始人弗兰克和帕特里克-瑞柯林开的第一家新奇酒店。

    This isn 't the first quirky property from Null Stern founders Frank and Patrik Riklin .

  15. FirstNews是英国第一家面向年轻人的全国性报纸。这名小记者是该报的一名读者。他在此前曾问奥斯本财长的数学是否很好。

    The young interviewer from a panel of readers of First News - the UK 's first national newspaper for young people - had previously asked Mr Osborne whether he was good at maths .

  16. 当全聚德完成ipo之后,它将成为中国大陆第一家上市的饭店连锁企业。

    When Quanjude completes its IPO , it will be one of the first mainland-based restaurant chains to have done so .

  17. MCC还将在埃及开设第一家门店。

    A first store will also open in Egypt .

  18. 仪征化纤当时正准备成为第一家在香港完成首次公开发行(IPO)的大陆公司。

    Yizheng Chemical was preparing to be one of the first mainland companies to complete an initial public offering in Hong Kong .

  19. HB报业集团是中国第一家企业法人制报业集团,其前身是一家事业单位。

    HB press group is the first corporative enterprise of Chinese Press , it is a government-sponsored institution previously .

  20. 他参与了两起外国投资者对国内上市商业银行的收购,并为在中国加入WTO后成立的第一家中外合资的证券公司的设立提供了服务。

    He has advised two foreign investors in acquiring stakes in two listed Chinese commercial banks and the first joint venture securities company since China 's entry into the WTO .

  21. 就在乔纳森爵士现身的同一周,《VogueChina》还登出了一位戴着苹果手表的模特,这是第一家在封面展示这款手表的时尚杂志。

    Sir Jonathan 's appearance came in the same week that Vogue China featured a model wearing Apple Watch , the first fashion magazine to style the watch on its cover .

  22. 请铭记一点,苹果并不是第一家推出可以入网或支持mp3手机的公司。

    Remember , Apple wasn 't the first to come out with an Internet-enabled phone or an mp3 player .

  23. 更熟悉墨西哥烤肉,但如今他经营总部位于休斯敦的公司CheniereEnergy,该公司有望成为第一家从美国本土出口天然气的公司。

    Charif Souki , a Lebanese immigrant and former restaurateur who knew more about fajitas than fracking , today runs Cheniere Energy , a Houston-based company that is on track to become the first to export gas from the contiguous U.S.

  24. 我遇到了一些非常出色的人,我们一起做了好几家创业公司,包括我的第一家创业公司TrioDevelopment。这家软件公司已经被苹果公司(Apple)收购。

    I met some amazing people that I worked with on several startups , including my first startup , Trio Development , a software company that Apple ( AAPL ) acquired .

  25. 百安居不是第一家在中国遭遇困难的DIY式家装连锁店。

    B & Q is not the only DIY chain to encounter difficulties in China .

  26. 预计9月发布的下一代iPhone将配备一款双镜头相机,但苹果(Apple)并非第一家推出这种技术的公司。

    The next iPhone is expected to come with a dual-lens camera when it is released in September but Apple will not be the first to introduce this technology .

  27. 自1868年世界上第一家投资基金海外和殖民地政府信托(TheForeignandColonialGovernmentTrust)在英国成立,投资基金已经经过了100多年的发展。

    Investment funds have a long history of over 100 years , which began in 1868 when the Foreign and Colonial Government Trust , the first investment fund of the world , was established in England .

  28. CIBA研究所是第一家研制出我们通常所称的Bt玉米的公司。

    CIBA Research was the first company to develop what has become commonly known as Bt corn .

  29. 上周五,办公用品提供商史泰博(Stapes)宣布,它将成为美国第一家销售3D打印机的零售企业。

    On Friday , office supply giant Staples ( SPLS ) announced that it is the first major American retailer to sell 3D printers .

  30. 今年夏天,韩国最大的冷冻酸奶连锁店之一红芒果(RedMango)在洛杉矶开了第一家店,大胆宣称自己是正宗健康的冷冻酸奶。

    Red Mango , one of Korea 's largest frozen yoghurt chains , this summer opened its first store in Los Angeles , pointedly calling itself the original healthy frozen yoghurt .