
  • 网络Third Party Integration
  1. 最为重要的一点,LiteScape不愿意受制于第三方集成库。

    Most importantly LiteScape did not want to be bound to the limitations of a third party integration library .

  2. 与此同时,第三方集成也提供了许多商业与开源的ALM方案。

    Our ecosystem of third party integrations provides support for dozens of commercial and open source ALM solutions .

  3. JavaEE缺乏把第三方框架集成进其环境的API,所以目前你需要加一层像Spring或Seam这样的中枢。

    Java EE lacks APIs for integrating third party frameworks into the environment , so today you need to layer some backbone such as Spring or Seam in to do it .

  4. 该tarball包含一些必要的文件&如果需要,还包括用于第三方库集成的C/C++代码。

    The tarball contains the necessary files & including C / C + + source code to integrate with a third-party library , if necessary .

  5. 探讨基本的第三方组件集成

    Exploring a basic third-party component integration

  6. 它将在业务融合、用户终端控制、第三方应用集成中起到重要作用。

    It will play the influential role in the service fusion , in the user terminal control , the third party application integration .

  7. 基于WEBService技术的校园一卡通中的第三方系统应用集成研究

    Based on Web Service Technique Research of Application Intergration of Third-party System in Carded-compus

  8. 这通常在与一个第三方Java库集成时有用。

    This is typically useful when integrating with a third-party Java library .

  9. RPM在设计之初就考虑到了与第三方工具的集成,而这种集成是非常简单方便的。

    RPM was designed to allow for easy integration of third party tools and metrics .

  10. 通过组件对象模型技术建立了分布式软件测试环境,并在组件的基础上开发了用于第三方测试工具集成的API接口及配置工具。

    A configuration tool and COM-based API is used to enable their application to create , retrieve , and update project records within their test application environment .

  11. 在没有JACC的情况下,要使用供应商实现和专用接口进行第三方供应商产品集成。

    In the absence of JACC , vendor implementations and proprietary interfaces were used for third party vendor product integration .

  12. 此方法还可用于将核心解决方案资产与第三方解决方案集成,以支持各种最佳方法。

    This approach also provides for the integration of core solution assets with third party solutions to enable best-of-breed approaches .

  13. 在模块设计中特意创建了开发和运行时体系架构,以支持可能采用的第三方扩展和集成。

    The development and run-time architecture was purposely created in a modular design to support third-party extension and integration opportunities .

  14. 这些需求包括系统审核与控制、可扩展性、弹性、垂直伸缩性和水平伸缩性、多站点问题以及第三方工具的集成。

    These requirements include system audit and control , extensibility , resilience , vertical and horizontal scalability , multisite issues , and integration of third-party tools .

  15. 中间件层提供一组与第三方无线定位系统集成的APIs,它支持与多种定位技术的连接;

    The middleware layer is a suite of APIs designed to interface to any third party system , and it should support multiform position techniques .

  16. 确定您选择的JAX-RS框架与第三方组件的原生集成支持。

    Determine the native integration support of the JAX-RS implementation framework you 've chosen with third-party components .

  17. 最后,新的LotusSametimeV7.5.1客户机支持与第三方病毒扫描器的集成,从而使得所有文件在传输之前被扫描。

    Last , the new Lotus Sametime V7.5.1 client supports integration with third-party virus scanners , allowing all files to be scanned prior to transfer .

  18. 作为数据服务层软件集,集成信息平台提供对工业控制标准接口&OPC规范的支持,借助第三方开发组件,集成信息平台中实现了OPC数据服务器。

    To be a data server , the integrated information platform will also answer for calls from OPC clients by its own OPC server software , developed with a third-party module .

  19. 该安装框架可以与第三方的安装框架集成,例如InstallShield。

    The setup framework can also be integrated with third-party installation frameworks , products like InstallShield .

  20. 接下来是系统软件以及第三方软件的部署集成。

    The second part is the deployment and integration of system software and third-party software .

  21. 考虑投资第三方风险管理和欺诈检测系统,考虑如何最好地将第三方系统集成进你的应用。

    Consider investments in third-party risk management and fraud detection systems and how best integrate with your applications .