
  • 网络First sequence;first ray
  1. 结论:研究(足母)外翻畸形时,必须重视足第一序列解剖异常,以正确选择术式。

    Conclusions : While studying the hallux valgus , special attention should be paid to the abnormality of the first ray so as to choose the correct surgical method .

  2. 目的:观察第一跖骨颈移位截骨术纠正第一序列畸形的远期疗效。

    Objective : To explore the long-term results of the first metatarsal neck displacing osteotomy for the correction of complex deformity of the first ray .

  3. 通过系统聚类分析发现,两序列震源机制的类型随时间分布存在一定的差异。分析认为是由第一序列为震群型,第二序列为孤立型的区别所至。

    It is found from systematical cluster analysis that there is definite difference between the temporal distribution of the mechanism clusters of the two sequence because the first sequence is the type of earthquake cluster and the second one is the solitary type .

  4. 有较强烈意愿耕地转出的农户一般处在农村中收入水平较高的第一序列;有强烈意愿耕地转入的农户一般是专业种植老手,他们的收入水平仅次于第一序列的农户,位居第二。

    There was a strong willingness to arable farmers generally turn out at higher income levels in rural areas first sequence ; has a strong desire to turn arable farmers usually grow a veteran professional , their household income level after the first sequence , in second place .

  5. 第一个序列(源自OneRepeat)只包含一个值{A}。

    The first series ( originating from OneRepeat ) contains just one value { A } .

  6. 要与第一个序列连接的序列。

    The sequence to concatenate to the first sequence .

  7. 有了此信息后,我们可以进行迭代,尝试从第一个序列号开始接收组中的所有其他消息。

    With this information , we then iterate , attempting to receive all of the other messages in the group in sequence order starting at the beginning .

  8. 作者主要从两个系列研究这一问题,第一个序列包括研究起点的不公平和研究过程不公平,以及基因技术应用的结果的不公平。

    The first series includes the social unfairness in the starting poit and the process of the gene research and in the results of applying gene technology .

  9. 在指定序列或集时,可以提供-o选项和一个模板,模板中的1替换为第一个序列或集的当前值,2是第二个序列或集的占位符,以此类推。

    When a sequence or set is specified , you can provide the - o option with a template , where # 1 is replaced with the current value of the first sequence or set , # 2 is a placeholder for the second , and so on .

  10. 本文得到的南海海域勒氏笛鲷的线粒体全序列是笛鲷属在GenBank中的第一条全序列数据。

    It is the first complete mtDNA sequences of genus Lutjanus in GenBank that have been reported . 2 .

  11. 文件中的第一个有序列表被转换成元素。

    The first ordered list in your file is converted to a element .

  12. 这类迁移将主题中的第一个有序列表标识为步骤。

    For this migration , steps are identified as the first ordered list inside the topic .

  13. 第一步为序列送电阶段,第二步为同时送电阶段。

    The first step is serial electrical delivery of power . The second step is simultaneous delivery of power .

  14. 随着人类第一张基因序列草图的完成和发展,生命科学的研究正在进入一个崭新的后基因组学,即蛋白质组学时代。

    With the completion of the mapping of the human genome , life science is progressing into the proteomics age .

  15. 测试程序包括两个主要组成部分:第一个测试序列是专门为计算机的主要处理器。

    The test procedure consists of two main components : The first test sequence is dedicated to the computer 's main processor .

  16. 中国HIV-1主要流行重组株B/CTat基因第一外显子序列特征分析

    Analysis of Tat exon 1 gene sequence characteristics of HIV-1 B / C recombinant viruses prevalent in China

  17. 本课程欲达到的目的有二:第一是藉由时间序列资料提供实务运算上一项有利的工具;

    It provides tools for empirical work with time series data and is an introduction into the theoretical foundation of time series models .

  18. 第一个列表是序列(157269)(从现在起,为了方便阅读,我将把列表写在圆括号中)。

    The first list is the sequence ( 157269 )( from now on , I am going to write my lists in parentheses to make them easier to read ) .

  19. 并以湖南移动公司郴州分公司某一无线小区的流量数据,进行的预测研究。第一步使用时间序列模型进行预测研究。

    Prediction researches are based on the traffic data collected from a cell of China Mobile Chenzhou branch of Hunan Province . First , time series models are used for prediction .

  20. 水稻第四号染色体着丝粒的完整序列是高等生物中完成的第一条染色体着丝粒序列,为研究着丝粒的功能提供了结构基础,也为构建植物或者水稻人工染色体提供了必需的序列信息。

    The complete sequence of rice chromosome 4 is the first centromere sequence in higher eukaryotic species . The structural information may shed some light on the functional dissection of a centromere and it is also useful for constructing rice or plant artificial chromosomes .

  21. 第一跖骨头下籽骨切除术对前足第一序列功能的生物力学影响

    Biomechanical effect of the sesamoid resection below the head of the first metatarsal on the function of the first ray in forefoot