
  • 网络The Sixth Day;On the Sixth Day;THE 6TH DAY
  1. 到第六日,上帝造物工作全部完毕。第七天,他停止工作。

    On the sixth day God completed all the work he had been doing , and on the seventh day he ceased from Al his work .

  2. 美国影片《第六日》表现的是在未来世界里,为了避免造成世界的混乱,人们制定了“第六日法令”来禁止那些野心家们任意复制人类。

    But cloning human being may be very easy in the near future . " the sixth day ", an American movie , is about a futuristic world . " the sixth day law " was made to prevent cloning human beings arbitrarily to avoid chaos .

  3. 有传闻说你想废除第六日法案?

    Is it true you want to get the6th day laws repealed ?

  4. 今天,股市走高,活跃的市场交易连涨第六日,显然军事打击叙利亚的替代方案巩固了贸易市场。

    Stocks moved higher today with the broad market on track for its six-trade output session , trades apparently hardened by a possible alternative to military action against Syria .

  5. 上海股市连续第六个交易日上涨,这是自去年11月以来时间最长的反弹,原因是市场乐观认为,政府可能在未来数月里放松政策,从而提振了信心。

    Shanghai advanced for a sixth successive session its longest rally since November as confidence remained buoyed by optimism that the authorities could loosen policy in the months to come .

  6. 关注老年人的听力健康&写在第六次全国爱耳日活动到来之际

    Hearing care for elderly people FOR THE PEOPLE

  7. 而在周二,工会呼吁进行自九月暑假后的第六个全国罢工日。

    On Tuesday , unions called a sixth national day of protest since the return from the summer holidays in September .

  8. 第二部分论述六日战争之后以色列对耶路撒冷的具体统治政策,包括宗教政策、人口政策、城市规划与住房政策、经济政策等。

    The second part discusses the Israel 's policies of Jerusalem from 1967 to 1992 such as religion politics , demography politics , housing politics and economic politics .

  9. 第六年六月初五日,我坐在家中。犹大的众长老坐在我面前。在那里主耶和华的灵降在我身上。

    Now in the sixth year , in the sixth month , on the fifth day of the month , when I was in my house and the responsible men of Judah were seated before me , the hand of the LORD came on me there .