
  • Superman Returns;Superhero
  1. 完美无缺的英雄们逐渐失去光彩,2006年票房低到不可思议的《超人归来》就是证明。

    Flawless heroes are gradually losing their luster , as evidenced by the abysmal earnings of Superman Returns in 2006 .

  2. 这位英国演员错过了在《007:大战皇家赌场》中出演詹姆斯·邦德、在《超人归来》中出演超人以及在“暮光之城”系列电影中出演年轻的吸血鬼主角爱德华·库伦等机会。

    The British actor has notably missed out on the chance to play James Bond in Casino Royale , Superman in Superman Returns , and the lead role of Edward Cullen , the young vampire in the Twilight movies .

  3. 《超人归来》的明星布兰登·罗斯和恋爱四年同是演员的女友康特妮·福特结婚了。

    Brandon Routh , the star of2005 's'Superman Returns , 'marries his girlfriend of four years , actress Courtney Ford .

  4. 昨晚,我上了博客读读写写,而我的老公和女儿在看电视&超人归来。

    Last night , I went to blog to read and write , while my husband and my daughter watched film & Superman Return .

  5. 2004年,他将出演《超人归来》,但是由于该片的导演临时换了,他也就无缘这部戏,最终,布兰登•劳斯成为当年的新超人。

    In2004 , he was about to star as Superman in the film Superman Returns . However , the director changed and he was replaced by Brandon Routh as the lead .

  6. 在华纳和DC两家公司达成协定之后的10年内,华纳只拍摄完成了一部超人电影(《超人归来》),而且也没有开始制作任何其他超人电影。

    In the10 years since the deal between Warner and DC , only one film ( Superman Returns ) has been made and no others are under way .

  7. 由于人们对超人主题作品的期待是如此之高,2006年电影《超人归来》(SupermanReturns)尽管拿到将近四亿美元的票房,结果还是被认为是一部失败之作。

    The expectations for a Superman project have soared so high that the 2006 theatrical feature ' Superman Returns ' was considered a failure even though it grossed nearly $ 400 million .