
  • 网络The Incredibles
  1. 我和姗选择了《超人总动员》(TheIncredibles,皮克斯,2004年)。

    Shan and I curled up with " The Incredibles " ( Pixar , 2004 ) .

  2. 我不只是喜爱“超人总动员”

    I don 't just love The Incredibles

  3. 在经历了超过十年的等待后,皮克斯公司和导演布拉德伯德终于给我们带来了《超人总动员》的第二部。

    After waiting more than a decade for a sequel , Pixar and director Brad Bird is finally giving us The Incredibles 2 .

  4. 游戏介绍:嘿,我是超人总动员里的超人女孩哦,来给我换个装怎么样?

    The game is introduced : Hey , I am a girl of superman in superman 's general mobilization , how about coming to change one for me and holding ?

  5. 但是比起皮克斯之前的作品诸如《赛车总动员》、《超人总动员》、《怪物电力公司》、《玩具总动员》和《海底总动员》,这一部可能吸引不了小孩子反复观赏。

    But it doesn 't look like a movie that kids will want to see over and over , like was the case with Cars , Incredibles , Monsters Inc , Toy Story and Nemo .