
  • The Amazing Spider-Man;AMAZING SPIDERMAN
  1. 索尼影业(SonyPictures)根据经典系列漫画改编的影片《超凡蜘蛛侠》(TheAmazingSpider-Man)已经在票房收入方面彰显出巨大威力。

    The Amazing Spider-Man , Sony Pictures ' reboot of the comic book franchise , is already showing some superpower at the box office .

  2. 马克韦布的3D电影续集《超凡蜘蛛侠2》中,身着蜘蛛侠服的年轻人彼得帕克已经高中毕业,准备担负起保卫世界的责任。

    Marc Webbs 3D sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , starts as Peter Parker , the young man under the Spiderman suit , is graduating from high school and preparing to take on the world .

  3. 今年可谓“续集”年,许多电影的续集纷纷登上大荧幕:《美国队长2:冬日战士》,《超凡蜘蛛侠2》,《X战警2:逆转未来》都是不错的大片。

    It 's been a year of movie sequels , with Captain America : The Winter Soldier , The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men : Days of Future Past all hitting theaters .

  4. Ifans的作品包括《超凡蜘蛛侠》和《诺丁山》。

    Ifans ' credits include The Amazing Spider-Man and Notting Hill .

  5. 索尼已经公开了这个角色的未来计划,宣布在2016年推出蜘蛛侠新的派生作品《险恶六人组》(TheSinisterSix),2018年推出《超凡蜘蛛侠3》(TheAmazingSpider-Man3)。

    Sony has been very public about its future plans for the character , announcing a Spider-Man spin-off called The Sinister Six for 2016 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 for 2018 .

  6. 为了庆祝这一活动,电影《超凡蜘蛛侠2》(TheAmazingSpider-Man2)中的演员安德鲁•加菲尔德(AndrewGarfield)、吉米•福克斯(JamieFoxx)和艾玛•斯通(EmmaStone)及其他影星也来到活动现场。

    To mark the event actors Andrew Garfield , Jamie Foxx , Emma Stone and a cast of other celebrities from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie were in town .

  7. 索尼已经公开了这个角色的未来计划,宣布在2016年推出蜘蛛侠新的派生作品《险恶六人组》(TheSinisterSix),2018年推出《超凡蜘蛛侠3》(TheAmazingSpider-Man3).但是猜测从未停止。

    Sony has been very public about its future plans for the character , announcing a Spider-Man spin-off called " The Sinister Six " for 2016 and " The Amazing Spider-Man 3 " for 2018 . But the chatter won 't go away .

  8. 《美国队长2:冬日战士》(CaptainAmerica:TheWinterSoldier)的主演克里斯・埃文斯(ChrisEvans)和《超凡蜘蛛侠2》(TheAmazingSpider-Man2)的主演安德鲁・加菲尔德(AndrewGarfield)上周都在北京进行了宣传活动。

    Chris Evans , the lead actor in the upcoming film ' Captain America : The Winter Soldier , ' and Andrew Garfield , the star of ' The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , ' both stopped in Beijing last week on promotional tours .

  9. 尽管有些制作人私下里说,答案是肯定的特别是今夏《超凡蜘蛛侠2》(TheAmazingSpider-Man2)国内票房表现不尽如人意但索尼的官员们仍然说公司的立场没有改变。

    Despite whispers among some producers that the answer is yes – especially after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 underperformed at the domestic box office last summer – Sony executives have continued to say otherwise .

  10. 索尼的立场有所软化吗?尽管有些制作人私下里说,答案是肯定的——特别是今夏《超凡蜘蛛侠2》(TheAmazingSpider-Man2)国内票房表现不尽如人意——但索尼的官员们仍然说公司的立场没有改变。

    Is that position softening ? Despite whispers among some producers that the answer is " yes " - especially after " The Amazing Spider-Man 2 " underperformed at the domestic box office last summer - Sony executives have continued to say otherwise .

  11. 彼得·帕克变身超凡蜘蛛侠后,立刻获得了超能力。

    When Peter Parker transforms into the Amazing Spider-Man , he instantly develops incredible powers .

  12. 而《超凡蜘蛛侠2》的确是一场充满动作场面与炫目特效的视觉盛宴。

    Yes , The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is exciting and visually delicious , thanks to the fights and special effects .

  13. 最近,超级英雄电影比以往更加黑暗和残酷——仅以超凡蜘蛛侠和钢铁之躯为例便可以看出。

    Recently , superhero movies have become a lot darker and grittier than they used to be - just check out The Amazing Spiderman and Man of Steel for examples .

  14. 随着美国导演马克·韦布打造的全新“蜘蛛侠”系列电影,尤其是最新上映的《超凡蜘蛛侠2》,我终于等到了期盼已久的蜘蛛侠电影。

    And with US director Marc Webb 's reboot of the series , especially the latest sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , I 've finally gotten the Spider-Man film I 've been waiting for .

  15. 2012年的《超凡蜘蛛侠》基调略显阴暗,悬疑色彩浓厚,与之相比,今年的《超凡蜘蛛侠2》在保留原有优势的基础上增添了大量的青春或是“单纯的动漫乐趣”。

    While the previous installment in 2012 was a bit darker and more suspenseful , this one retains some of that edge while adding quite a lot of youthfulness , or " pure comic book joy . "

  16. 而《超凡蜘蛛侠2》则融诸多精华于一体,它更贴近原著,演员们的精湛演技也成为一大看点,而该片中所塑造的蜘蛛侠形象就像从漫画书中走出来一样,外形、动作、讲话方式如出一辙。

    But The Amazing Spider-Man 2 combines all the best elements : it 's closer to the source material ; it features great performances from the cast , and a Spider-Man who feels like he 's coming right off comic book pages in the way he looks , moves and speaks ;