
  • 网络Surrealisme;Surreal Art;surrealism
  1. 超现实主义绘画,是超现实主义在视觉艺术方面的主要发展,在欧洲乃至整个西方现代艺术中具有特殊意义。

    Surrealism painting has a special significance in modern art of Europe and even the whole western modern art , it is the major development of surrealism in the visual arts .

  2. 第四章从布列东的自动主义和超现实主义绘画的原则来全面阐述超现实主义的艺术手法,并且探讨超现实主义对后世所产生的文化意义。

    Chapter IV : From the automatic Breton and surrealism painting a comprehensive exposition of the principles of surrealism the art practices , and explore the surrealism of future generations arising from cultural significance .

  3. 超现实主义绘画的哲学依据,对超现实主义绘画概念及特点进行说明。

    Surrealist painting philosophy based on the concept of surrealist painting and features explained .

  4. 运用超现实主义绘画的创作手法指导环境艺术设计,时至今日依然是环艺设计创意中极具效用和具有延展性的语言方式。

    Surreal painting still has an effective and ductile function as a way to direct the environment artistic creation .

  5. 它看上去像极了超现实主义绘画中那个融化的怀表,可以用作送人的佳品。

    Looking exactly like the soft melting pocket watch from well-known surrealist painting it will be an excellent gift idea !

  6. 想象性油画类似超现实主义绘画,是一种强调主体内心情感与主观想象的油画语系。

    Imagine a similar surrealistic paintings of oil paintings , oil painting language of an emphasis on the main inner feelings and subjective imagination .

  7. 第二章对超现实主义绘画的定义,超现实主义画派画家的创作动机,以及超现实主义绘画梦境意象的隐喻来论证超现实主义绘画和梦境的关系。

    Chapter II definition of surrealist paintings , surrealist artist painting creative motivations , and surrealist paintings dream imagery metaphor to demonstrate the relationship of surrealist paintings and dreams .

  8. 学者们让志愿者们观看一组各式各样的图片之后得出了这些结论。这些图片包括从自然纪录片中截取的静态画面、古典主义和超现实主义绘画,以及电影中男女恋人的定格画面。

    The academics came to their conclusions after asking volunteers to examine a range of different images , includingstills from nature documentaries , classical and surrealist paintings , and freeze-frames of couples in films .

  9. 自然,超现实主义插画也同样的具备了超现实主义绘画的特性。

    Natural , ultra-realistic illustrations also have the same characteristics of surrealist painting .