
  • 网络surrogate marker;Surrogate outcome;surrogate;proxy
  1. 治疗严重心衰患者时B型利钠肽水平不是有创血流动力学的替代指标

    B-type natriuretic peptide levels are not a surrogate marker for invasive hemodynamics during management of patients with severe heart failure

  2. 有经验精细的颈动脉超声检查及内膜-中膜厚度测值能作为动脉硬化性疾病特别是心血管事件的替代指标。

    Careful and salted ultrasound examination and IMT measurement can provide a useful surrogate marker for atherosclerotic disease , and especially for cardiovascular events .

  3. 结论在高脂餐负荷试验中,餐后4h血清TG水平增长值可作为检测高血压病和冠心病患者餐后血清AUCTG的替代指标。

    Conclusion In high-fat meal test , the increment of serum TG concentration at 4 h can be considered as a surrogate of AUC_ TG in CHD and EHP patients .

  4. 从去年下半年到今年上半年,潜在的息税折旧及摊销前利润(ebitda)现金流的替代指标下滑了20%到40%。

    Underlying earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation a proxy for cash flow fell between 20 and 40 per cent from the second half of last year to the first half of this year .

  5. 以大肠杆菌和MS-2噬菌体为细菌和病毒的替代指标,考察了浊度及颗粒物分布对紫外线灭活大肠杆菌和MS-2噬菌体的影响。

    E. coli and MS-2 coliphage were selected for ultraviolet disinfection experiment , the effect of turbidity and particulate distribution on inactivation of E. coli and MS-2 coliphage was evaluated .

  6. 物种只是一个不完整的替代指标。

    Species can only serve as an incomplete , surrogate measure .

  7. 有必要选用其他替代指标做稳健性检验。

    It is necessary to choose alternative indicators do robustness test .

  8. 春小麦碳同位素分辨率的替代指标研究

    Substitution Indexes of Carbon Isotope Discrimination for Spring Wheat

  9. 其次选择非标意见作为审计质量的替代指标并进行了理论分析。

    Second the article chooses non-standard audit opinion ratio as a substitute variable .

  10. 替代指标在临床试验中的应用与局限性

    Use and limitation of surrogate outcomes in clinical trials

  11. 替代指标和中间指标及其在中医药疗效评价研究中应用价值的思考

    Thinking on Surrogate Outcomes , Intermediary Outcomes and Their Application in TCM Clinical Efficacy Evaluation

  12. 因而,石笋可溶硅是一个潜在的古气候(特别是古湿度)替代指标。

    Therefore , the dissolved silicon may be a potential proxy for paleoclimate , especially for ancient moisture .

  13. 通过将长子继承制和城市增长作为财富稳定性的替代指标,可以对这一命题进行非正式的检验。

    Informal tests of this proposition are conducted by considering primogeniture and urban growth as proxies for wealth stability .

  14. 股价波动成分的分解与估计;特质风险经验性替代指标的计算方法。

    Decomposing of stock price volatility and estimating of various volatility components ; Calculating of empirical proxy for idiosyncratic risk .

  15. 近2000年来的地球环境变化日益受到人们的关注,许多替代指标被用来指示快速的气候变化。

    Environmental variability in the last 2000 years has recently received much attention and has been studied with many proxies .

  16. 目前,国内外关于审计质量替代指标主要有以下几种:①会计师事务所规模及品牌。

    At present , at home and abroad on alternative indicators of audit quality are mainly the following : ① audit size .

  17. 然而由于缺乏该指标在岩溶洞穴系统中形成机理的研究,使得该环境替代指标的运用非常有限。

    However , the application of index is limited owning to lack of the study about formation mechanism in karst cave system .

  18. 第3章是对本文选取的新的管理者过度自信替代指标在理论和实证上进行合理性分析,以验证该指标适用于我国上市公司并购行为研究。

    Chapter ⅲ take the rational analysis on the theoretical and empirical research about the new alternative indicators for the managerial overconfidence .

  19. 因此,本文把>10μm的含量曲线作为古气候的有效替代指标。

    So , the content curve above 10 μ m is looked on as the effective substitute indication of the ancient climate in the paper .

  20. 流动性风险的不同结构使得流动性风险的各个替代指标与资产期望收益率的相关性表现出不同的性态。

    Furthermore , different structures of liquidity risks lead to different characters of the relationship between measures of liquidity risk and expected return of assets .

  21. 不过,尽管海洋浮游有孔虫中的硼同位素作为大气二氧化碳浓度的替代指标很具有潜力,但还需要进行更加深入地研究。

    However , although marine planktonic foraminiferal boron isotope has great potential to be a proxy for atmospheric pCO2 , further studies on calibrations are required .

  22. 稳定碳同位素作为环境替代指标已经在不同的载体上得到了广泛运用,例如树轮、泥炭、碳酸盐岩等。

    As substitute index of environment , stable carbon isotope has been used broadly in different records , such as tree rings , peat and carbonate rock .

  23. 血管内皮功能障碍与诸多心血管疾病的发生、发展有密切联系,被认为是心血管疾病危险的终点替代指标。

    Endothelial dysfunction is closely related to occurrence and progress of many cardiovascular diseases , and has been recognized as a surrogate end point for cardiovascular risk .

  24. 从而说明用可操纵性应计利润来衡量审计质量的高低是有效的,是一个有效的审计质量替代指标。

    Which can show that with the maneuverability accruals to measure the level of audit quality to be effective , is an effective alternative indicators of audit quality .

  25. 通过对各类创新指标的分析,本文选取专利数与全要素生产率作为研究中的技术创新替代指标。

    As to the substitute indicators of innovation , this paper selected patent numbers and total factor productivity after a detailed analysis on various categories of innovation indicators .

  26. 然后借鉴人力资本的测度方法,分别从投入、产出两个视角讨论了社会资本的宏观测度理想指标,还通过比较从投入角度在现有统计年鉴中选取了社会资本宏观测度的替代指标。

    Then drawing on human capital measurement methods , respectively , from the inputs and outputs two perspectives discussed the ideal macro-measure indicators and proxy indicators for social capital .

  27. 结论:阿尔茨海默病以及额颞叶痴呆病中的皮质萎缩特征类型表明皮质厚度测量可能成为鉴别痴呆类型的一种替代指标。

    In conclusion , the characteristic patterns of cortical thinning in Alzheimer 's disease and FTD suggest that cortical thickness may be a useful surrogate marker for these types of dementia .

  28. 仅利用氧碳稳定同位素变化还不能很好的确定温度的变化,尚需得到受温度控制的其他替代指标的验证。

    Some new proxies which were dominated by the variation of temperature should be taken into account because only the oxygen and carbon isotope can not confirm the change of temperature .

  29. 论文以2004年在西菲律宾海获取的光学剖面资料为基础,首次将光学衰减系数作为悬浮有机颗粒的替代指标,对西菲律宾海上层水体悬浮颗粒及颗粒有机碳的时空分布和变化进行了研究。

    A new proxy of particulate organic material was optically determined in West Philippine Sea , and the optical data was firstly used to examine the suspended particle and POC variability .

  30. 论文的主要创新之处在于首次获得了区内粘土沉积物的热释光标型特征,发现它可能是深海沉积环境和物质来源的有效替代指标;

    The author investigated the typical thermoluminescence characteristics of the pelagic sediments in a creative way , and found it can be used as proxies for the sedimentary environments and mineral sources .