
tì shēn yǎn yuán
  • stunt man ;stand-in;body double;double
替身演员 [tì shēn yǎn yuán]
  • [stand-in] 外表与演员相似的人,被雇来代替演员的位置,直到灯光和摄影机准备好

  1. 当电影中摄像机以这种方式拍摄时,观众可以扫视到一个区域的全貌(动词)镜头切换,即电影中的一个镜头突然转换成另一个镜头(动词)bodydouble(n.)替身演员(名词)

    when a movie camera takes a shot this way , the audience takes in a sweeping view of an area cut ( v. ) when one shot in a movie suddenly changes to another one

  2. 替身演员必须要长得像他们饰演的明星。

    Stunt people must resemble the stars they stand in for .

  3. 他是唯一一个获得奥斯卡奖的特技替身演员。

    He was the only stunt man ever to get an Oscar .

  4. 甚至是莎士比亚也在打斗场面用过替身演员。

    Even Shakespeare may have used them in fight scenes .

  5. 特技演员或替身演员通常出现在动作电影中。

    Stuntmen or stunt doubles usually appear in action movies .

  6. 替身演员的恐惧。在操场上发生的嘲笑。

    Fear in the stuntman Sneer in the playground .

  7. 正如你所见到的,他是一个替身演员、举重冠军。

    Movie stuntman , champion weight lifter , as you may have noticed .

  8. 我在一月份的时候开始和特技替身演员和打戏团队进行训练。

    I started training in January with the stunt guys and the fight team .

  9. 我们必须找到这个女特技替身演员。

    We need to find this stuntwoman .

  10. 那位男主角在电影中所有的危险镜头都由一个替身演员代拍。

    The main actor have a fall guy do all the dangerous scene in the movie .

  11. 如果一个电影场景非常危险,替身演员通常代替明星表演。

    If a movie scene is dangerous , stunt people usually fill in for the stars .

  12. 替身演员不是电影明星,但他们是很多电影里的幕后英雄。

    Stunt people are not movie stars , but they are the hidden heroes of many movies .

  13. 争吵和纠纷随之在演员们中间发生了,他们当中大部分都急急忙忙、不顾羞耻地将他们的角色交给了替身演员。

    Quarrels and dissensions ensued among the cast , most of whom hurriedly and shamefacedly handed over their parts to understudies .

  14. 张晋曾多次获得过全国武术比赛冠军。退役之后,他最初作为武术指导和特技替身演员出道。

    After retiring with several national wushu championship titles , Zhang began his career in the entertainment industry as an action choreographer and stuntman .

  15. 京晶:替身演员说真男主是他们约会这家餐厅主人的朋友,有折扣的。

    The actor said the real guy is friends with the owner of the restaurant where they had the blind date , and gets a discount there .

  16. 京晶:看来我得再看一遍电影,看看镜头到底是摇到他手上拍的特写,还是切入了替身演员。

    Well , I 'll have to watch it again to see if the camera pans down to his hands , or just cuts to a body double .

  17. 这一学位的其他就业选择包括成为专业演员或舞者、剧院经理、短篇小说作家、特技替身演员、化妆师、戏剧评论家和舞蹈指导。

    Other career options with this degree include professional actor or dancer , theater manager , storyteller , stunt person , make-up artist , drama critic , and choreographer .

  18. 如果一项协议使再影响的力量成为可能,(自民党领袖)尼克。克雷格的政党作为替身演员将要发疯。

    Should a deal to repatriate powers become possible , Nick Clegg 's party would be mad to stand in its way ( and Mr Clegg knows it ) .

  19. 托尼撞毁过快速行驶的汽车,从燃烧的房屋里跳出来过,被一下子扔进急流中去过。他说:“特技替身演员需要神明护佑。”

    Tony has crashed fast cars , jumped from burning building , been swept down rapids . " a stunt man ," he says ," needs to have a guardian angel . "

  20. 而扮演蛇眼,和特技替身演员们合作,他们想展现一系列的武术,但用我的风格作催化剂,来达到我们所要达到的各种效果。

    Being Snake Eyes and working with the stunt boys , they wanted to show a range of martial arts but use my style as a catalyst to get to whatever we were going to get to .

  21. 除了他的特技替身演员,施瓦辛格的随行人员还包括一群与他一起共事的班底,如前特别助理、前公关主管、前助选副主管等。

    In addition to people like his stunt double , Mr. Schwarzenegger 's traveling entourage includes a coterie of former administration staffers , including his former special assistant ( or ' body man ' ), his former communications director and his former deputy director of advance .

  22. 那位做电影演员替身的杂技演员驾驶着飞机翻过来又倒过去,差一点撞着平顶房的屋顶。

    The stuntman flew the aircraft upside-down within a hair 's breadth of the rooftops .

  23. 顶空毛细管气相色谱法检测加替沙星中有机溶剂残留量那位做电影演员替身的杂技演员驾驶着飞机翻过来又倒过去,差一点撞着平顶房的屋顶。

    Determination of residual solvents in gatifloxacin by headspace capillary gas chromatography The stuntman flew the aircraft upside-down within a hair 's breadth of the rooftops .

  24. “替身”(bodydouble)通指在录像带或电影等作品中代替知名演员出演某一角色的替身演员。Bodydouble这个词多用来指代“裸替”。

    A body double is a general term for someone who substitutes for the credited actor of a character in any recorded visual medium , whether videotape or film .