
tiào yuǎn yùn dònɡ yuán
  • long jumper;broad jumper
  1. 我转过脸去,瞧见了那个高个子德国跳远运动员一双友好的蓝眼睛。

    I turned to look into the friendly blue eyes of the tall German broad jumper .

  2. 帕克开始运动生涯时是个跳远运动员。

    Packer began her career as a long jumper .

  3. 运用GM(1,N)模型对跳远运动员关英楠训练状态的分析研究

    An Analysis on the Training State of GUAN Ying-nan by Use of GM ( 1 , N ) Model

  4. 通过采用跳远运动员专项速度训练模式对高水平跳远运动员进行训练,对提高运动员跑的能力,绝对速度,助跑最后10m的速度以及助跑水平速度利用率均取得了较好的效果。

    We have improved the running ability , the absolute speed , and the speed of last ten meters and utilization ration of horizontal speed of athletes by using the model .

  5. 女子三级跳远运动员在完善技术的同时,加强速度和力量训练,突破16m大关将为期不远。

    If women triple-jump athletes strengthen speed and strength training while keep improving technique , it will not ke long for them to jump over the pass of 16m .

  6. 利用cybex-770等速测试与康复系统,对17名一级男子跳远运动员起跳腿的膝关节进行了等速向心收缩测试。

    By using Cybex-770 isokinetic and rehabilitation instrument , we test knee joint of supporting legs of 17 male long-jumpers in concentric contraction .

  7. 浅谈福建女跳远运动员的助跑速度

    On speed of run up of female long-jump athletes in Fujian

  8. 跳远运动员多年训练的阶段划分

    Stage Division of Long Years ' Training System for Long Jumpers

  9. 优秀男子跳远运动员起跳技术的运动学分析

    Kinematical Analysis on Take-off Technique of Elite Men 's Long Jumper

  10. 平跑速度对我国男子跳远运动员成绩的影响

    Maximum Velocitys Effects on the Results of Chinese Long Jumpers

  11. 初探青少年跳远运动员助跑准确性训练

    On Accuracy Training of Approach to Young Broad Jump Athletes

  12. 高校三级跳远运动员身体素质训练研究

    Study on Body Quality Training of the Triple Jump Athletes in College

  13. 跳远运动员专项速度的分析研究

    On the Special Ability for the Long-jump Athlete 's Speed

  14. 跳远运动员爆发力训练的有效途径

    On the Effective Way of the Long Jump Players Erupting Strength Training

  15. 跳远运动员心理疲劳的成因与恢复手段研究

    A Study on Causing Psychological Fatigue of Long Jumpers and Recovering Means

  16. 中外两名优秀三级跳远运动员起跳技术分析

    Comparative Analysis to the Take-off Techniques of Two Elite Triple-jumpers

  17. 不同等级跳远运动员起跳技术特征的研究

    Study on the Technique of Taking-off at Different Levels of Long Jumpers

  18. 福建省竞技体育跳远运动员技术训练研究

    Research on Technical Training in Long Jump of High-level Athletes in Fujian

  19. 大学生优秀男子跳远运动员的动态测试研究

    Analysis and Study of Dynamic Tests of Elite Collegiate Male Long Jumpers

  20. 高水平跳远运动员起跳过程中摆动腿作用的研究

    Research on High Level long Jumpers'Swinging Leg Function in Takeoff

  21. 对我国大学生女子跳远运动员主要速度指标的研究

    Research on the Major Velocity of University Female Long Jumpers'Performance

  22. 浅谈影响跳远运动员踏板准确性的因素

    Analysis of the elements affecting the accuracy of footboard of long jumpers

  23. 跳远运动员踏板的准确性直接影响跳远成绩。

    The boarding accuracy of Long jump was directly influence the performance .

  24. 男子跳远运动员垂直速度变化对成绩影响探讨

    The Influence of Vertical Velocity on Man 's Long Jump

  25. 青少年跳远运动员赛前的心理调节

    Analysis the psychological adjustment of the juvenile jumpers into effect

  26. 由射箭运动员周佳敏和跳远运动员王浩执旗率领。

    led by Chinese archer Zhou Jiamin and long jumper Wang Hao .

  27. 跳远运动员腾空与落地技术对运动成绩的影响

    The Influences of Athletes ' Rising and Landing Skills on their Results

  28. 三级跳远运动员后3次试跳心理因素分析

    A Psychological Analysis of Triple Jumpers at Their Final Three Trial Jumps

  29. 中国高水平跳远运动员训练内容体系的研究

    The Study of Training Content System of Chinese High Level Long Jumpers

  30. 跳远运动员爆发力训练之我见

    Views on Training Long Jump Athletes ' Sudden Strength