
  • 网络BENCH;substitute;Backup;Second String
  1. 周三在伦敦温布利体育馆,克罗地亚替补球员距离球门25码处的破门,终结了英格兰足球队入围2008年欧锦赛决赛阶段比赛的希望,所有英国公司的董事会都将感受到这种影响。

    The Croatian substitute 's 25-yard winner at London 's Wembley Stadium on Wednesday , which ended England 's hopes of reaching the Euro 2008 football championships , will be felt across British boardrooms .

  2. 对NBA联赛和CBA联赛替补球员的研究

    Research the Bench Players in NBA and CBA

  3. Q:那您能跟我们分享一下您考虑的替补球员轮转阵容吗?

    Q : Anything with player rotations at all that you can share or thinking about ?

  4. 两队队长和首发队员将由TNT电视台在一月十八日宣布,而由球队教练投票选出的替补球员将在1月23日揭晓。

    Captains and starters will be announced Jan. 18 on TNT , while reserves , as voted on by NBA head coaches , will be revealed Jan 23 .

  5. l虽然湖人能够阻止艾弗森和安东尼,但是他们并没有变法防守掘金的替补球员史密斯。

    While the Lakers were able to stop Iverson and Anthony in stretches , they struggled to find an answer against Denver reserve J.R.

  6. 比如SAP大中华负责人MarkGibbs就在去年10月说过,SAP应该成为“中国市场的替补球员”,即硬件由联想和华为生产,软件由SAP提供。

    SAP SE Greater China head Mark Gibbs for instance said in October the company sought to be a " complementary player to the Chinese market " by selling its software on hardware made by Lenovo Inc and Huawei Technologies .

  7. 多半是运气差,替补球员差,教练差。

    Bad luck , bad benches , and bad coaching , mostly .

  8. 很多他们的替补球员跟我们的先发一样棒,甚至更好。

    Many of their bench players are as good or better than our starters .

  9. 他先用我们替补球员做试验,然后给主力球员服药。

    He used to experiment on us bench players only to later give them to the first team players .

  10. 在使用替补球员依然不见起色后,主教练现在也是无计可施。

    After using the bench but nothing changed , the manager now is at the end of his rope .

  11. 每个位置上都少说有两名球员,替补球员也应该相信自己可以首发。

    There are more or less two players for every position and those who are currently on the bench should know they could be starters too .

  12. 即使是替补球员,或者是大名单之外的球员都在帮助球队前进,我们就像一个大家庭一样。

    Even the lads on the bench and the players not involved in the squad are helping out and we are all together like one big family .

  13. 作为替补球员,香珀特可以比去年稍微少上场几分钟,成为一名能胜任防守任务的翼侧球员。

    In a bench role , Shumpert can give slightly fewer minutes than he did a year ago and be a serviceable wing player for defensive purposes .

  14. 对替补球员的谨慎使用表明了卡佩罗将这场热身赛作为正式比赛对待的态度,球员们也的确为新老板使出了全力。

    The sparing use of substitutes emphasised that Capello was treating this match as a competitive fixture , and the players certainly tried their hardest for the new boss .

  15. 在曼联电视的专访中,老板承认自己打算用一些替补球员代替主力给比赛带来更多活力。

    In an exclusive interview with MUTV , the boss admitted he plans to use the upcoming second-string fixtures to increase the match sharpness of some of his senior players .

  16. 虽然新赛季他可能会成为球队的替补球员,上场时间也不能得到保证,但是我们无需对他多言任何东西,就可以看见他在仅有的几场季前赛表现的多么卖力。

    As he 'll probably start the season on the bench and his minutes are uncertain , you don 't need to draft him , but keep a watchful eye on his minutes over the season 's first few games .

  17. 在B组的第一场比赛中,这位替补上场球员的鱼跃冲顶给伊朗队带来久违的胜利。

    The substitute 's diving header was a late winner for Iran in their opening match in Group B.

  18. 他们将从所有在各自分区被票选为首发或是替补的球员中进行选择,无论其隶属于东部或西部。

    They will choose from the pool of players voted as starters and reserves in each conference , making their selections regardless of conference affiliation .