
  • 网络Fishing Boat;SY-FW;J-SU
  1. 有一个或更多个四角纵帆的小的钓鱼船。

    A small fishing boat rigged with one or more lugsails .

  2. 我也没看到你的钓鱼船。

    I didn 't see your fishing boat outside .

  3. 你的梦想是条钓鱼船?

    Your dream is a fishing boat ?

  4. 你可以挣到那钓鱼船。

    You could earn yourself that boat .

  5. 这是一艘钓鱼船。

    This is fishing boat .

  6. 晚间的宁静展示一条钓鱼船通过遥远的瓦努阿岛海滨,该岛是斐济岛屿300多个中的一个。

    Evening calm ushers a fishing boat past the distant shores of Vanua Levu island , one of300-plus Fijian islands .

  7. 我们公司主要经营:充气游艇、漂流艇、钓鱼船、运动船、香蕉船和玻璃钢船。

    Our company mainly deals with : inflatable boat , rafting boat , fishing boat , sport boat , RIB boat , and banana boat .

  8. 我出去钓鱼,船翻了时救我性命的人是他吗?

    He 's the guy that saved my life on that fishing trip when the boat capsized ?

  9. 一天主人对我们说:我有些朋友明天想去钓鱼,把船给准备好。

    One day my master said to us , 'Some of my friends want to go fishing tomorrow . Get the boat ready . '

  10. 一天主人对我们说:“我有些朋友明天想去钓鱼,把船给准备好。”

    One day my master said to us , ' Some of my friends want to go fishing tomorrow . Get the boat ready . '