
  1. 一周后,再测动物声导抗,ABR阈值。

    After one week , the acoustic impedance and auditory brainstem response were measured again .

  2. 动物声通讯及听觉机理研究新进展

    Progress in Acoustic Communication and Auditory Processing in Animals

  3. 它不仅是动物声行为和有关声学研究方面的基本工具,而且在发声动物群落的调查与辅助生物多样性监测方面有特殊的用处。

    The software can be used not only as a basic tool for research on animal acoustic behavior , but also for surveying animal community and as an aid means for monitoring biodiversity .

  4. 植物有语,动物有声。

    Laguage in plants , animals in sounds .

  5. 在研究动物的声行为和环境动物声音监测中,均需要专门的分析工具。

    A special analysis tool is needed in studying of animal acoustic behavior and monitoring of environmental animal sound .

  6. 这个动物发什么声?

    What sound does this animal make ?

  7. 艾伦弯下腰,想好好看看,这时他听见附近的灌木丛中传来一种动物的沙沙声。

    As Aaron bent down to get a better look he heard the rustling of an animal in the nearby brush .

  8. 3组动物分别进行Click声刺激诱发的前庭咬肌反射检测。

    Click sound-induced masseter muscle reflex potentials were recorded in three groups respectively .

  9. 毫无疑问,在孩子们惊恐的哭声与动物凄厉的嘶叫声中,我所看到的,是制造了生命灭绝的人性的凋零。

    Undoubtedly , among children 's frightened cries and grievous whinnies of animals , I saw the wilt of humanity that having caused the extinction of life .