
  • 网络power reactors;VVER
  1. 但是,大多数核动力反应堆操作员们都只有高中文凭。

    However , most nuclear power reactors only have high school diplomas .

  2. 含锆燃料的无水氢氯化氢化锆空间动力反应堆镍氢蓄电池材料用氧化锆布膜中铝含量的分析测试技术

    Analytical Testing of Aluminum Content in Zirconium Oxide Cloth Film in Hydrogen-Nickel Battery

  3. 日本小型核动力反应堆及其技术特点

    Japanese Small Nuclear Reactors and Their Technical Characteristics

  4. 动力反应堆理论中的一个逆问题

    An Inverse Problem in the Dynamical Reactor Theory

  5. 实验聚变动力反应堆

    Experimental fusion power reactor

  6. 动力反应堆信息系统

    Power Reactor Information System

  7. 托卡马克实验动力反应堆

    Tokamak experimental power reactor

  8. 目前,轻水动力反应堆在世界各国的核反应堆中占着主要地位。

    Nowadays , light water power reactor is one of the most important nuclear reactors in the world .

  9. 本文简要介绍了核动力反应堆冷却剂循环系统电机的结构、性能及在开发过程中的技术问题。

    Structure and performance of a motor used in refrigerant circulating system of nuclear-powered reactor , and technical question in its studying is briefly introduced in this paper .

  10. 基于船用核动力一体化反应堆结构的需要,建立了新型船用气体稳压器启动充气过程的数学模型,并进行了仿真计算。

    Based on the structural requirement of the integrated reactor of shipping power plant , a mathematical model about charging progress of new shipping gas pressurizer is constructed and calculated .

  11. 本文简要地介绍了1986年国外核动力的进展、反应堆设计和改进、核电设备行业和企业及其采用的一些新工艺、新技术和新设备。

    This paper gives a brief summary or tne development or nuclear power industry outside China in 1986 . Included in the summary are the design and modification of reactor core , advanced manufacturing process , new techology and equipment , relative nuclear business enterprises .