
  1. 现在到了你该赶紧动起来的时候了吧?

    Isn 't it about time that you pulled your finger out ?

  2. 动起来!有客人来了。

    Stir yourself ! We 've got a visitor

  3. “动起来!”她叫道:“别这么慢吞吞的!”

    ' Move ! ' she cried . ' Don 't be so darn poky ! '

  4. 埃斯特拉达从法衣里取出一串念珠,用一只手捻动起来。

    Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand

  5. 整个街坊都动起来了。

    The whole neighbourhood is 〔 are 〕 stirred .

  6. 经过动员,群众普遍动起来了。

    After being encouraged to action everyone got involved .

  7. 同样,身体也要动起来,因为锻炼是著名的大脑助推器。

    And also get physically active , because exercise is a known brain booster .

  8. 好,那么让我们开始动起来,我将不再惹你生气

    Okay , then let 's get the show on the road and I 'll stop bugging you .

  9. 机关人偶是一种自我驱动的艺术机械人偶,常常被做成人或动物的样子,通过机关让他们“自己动起来”。

    Automata are built to look like humans or animals and give the illusion of being able to move on their own .

  10. 学生可以在物质上点一下,然后让它动起来,在这个3D空间里。

    They can click on the particle and move it around in this3D space .

  11. 只是将一些文本放入Flash动画中是没有多大意义的,除非您能让它动起来。

    It doesn 't make much sense just to put some text into a Flash movie unless you can get it to move .

  12. 有了VRML插入功能,浏览器就能看三维模型,让物体动起来。

    With a VRML plug-in , the browser will be able to view the 3D-model and maneuver the object .

  13. 既然图形和动画的先决条件已经得到满足,那么现在是时候让SnailBait动起来了。

    Now that the graphics and animation prerequisites are out of the way , it 's time to put Snail Bait in motion .

  14. 奥巴马在NBC新闻频道的《会见媒体》节目中说:我们必须确保经济刺激计划的规模足以让经济动起来。

    ' We 've got to make sure that the economic stimulus plan is large enough to get the economy moving . '

  15. 最后,我们告诉计算机要用一种叫做JavaScript的语言做些什么,以让网页动起来。将上面三种元素合起来,就能做出一个具有正常功能的网站。

    Finally , we animate it all by telling the computer what to do using a language called JavaScript . Put these three elements together and you have a working website .

  16. 悲伤的是,流行的“一战”歌曲,如《让家中的炉火继续燃烧》之类并不能敦促人们改用无烟燃料。直到1952年著名的“杀人大雾”(GreatKillerFog)导致死亡率再也无法忽视,英国媒体才终于行动起来。

    didn 't do much to encourage the adoption of smokeless fuel . It wasn 't until what came to be known as the " Great Killer Fog " of 1952 that the casualty rate became impossible to ignore and the British press finally took up the cause .

  17. LaceyMcCormick也是一名五年级学生,“我想这活动最令人激动的地方,就是团队合作并动起来。”

    Lacey McCormick is also a fifth grader . " I think the most exciting part was working as a team and getting to be able to move . " she said .

  18. 第二部分论文:什么使蒙古人动起来?

    Part Two Article : What Set the Mongols in Motion ?

  19. 好了,你们大家站成一排都动起来。

    Okay , you guys line up and you do it .

  20. 让文言文教学动起来

    Motivate the Teaching in the Writings in Classical Chinese Language

  21. 像窗帘一样波状动起来。

    Move in a wavy pattern , as of curtains .

  22. 我有责任让每个人动起来。

    It 's up to me to get everybody moving .

  23. 区分好朋友坏朋友。让学生的思维动起来。

    Ss distinguish the good friends and some bad guys .

  24. 我们要做的只是让它们动起来。

    All we need to do is get them moving .

  25. 生活每天精彩!无处不在!和我一起动起来!

    Join us ! Let 's Enjoy Our Splendid Life !

  26. 动起来亲爱的就是这样

    Move your hips , darling . That 's it .

  27. 让聋儿在律动欣赏课上动起来

    Let Deafness Child Goes into Action in the Rhythm Movement Appreciation Class

  28. 我不知道星芭儿是怎么让这东西动起来的。

    I have no idea how Starbuck got this thing to move .

  29. 突然,钢笔开始自己动起来。

    Abruptly , the pen began moving on its own .

  30. 2010年作为第一夫人她发起了“动起来”运动

    In 2010 , the First Lady launched Let 's Move