
  • 网络Motion Capture;Mocap
  1. ·《大众机械》(PopularMechanics)杂志文章:《安迪•瑟金斯与动作捕捉技术的革命》。

    Andy Serkis and the evolution of motion capture technology .

  2. 完整的软件平台控制着从工作室到CG每一阶段的动作捕捉过程。

    Our integrated software platform controls every stage of the Motion Capture process from the Studio to the CG .

  3. 这套名为“面子工程”(FaceWorks)的程序采用了美国南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)创意技术研究所(InstituteofCreativeTechnology)开发的面部及动作捕捉技术。

    The program , dubbed Face Works , employs face - and motion-capture technology developed at the University of Southern California 's Institute of Creative Technology .

  4. 以最少的干涉获得最为干净的数据。ViconiQ使动作捕捉进程变得不再困难。

    Delivering the cleanest data with the minimum intervention Vicon iQ takes the hard work out of the Motion Capture process .

  5. 一旦你的动作捕捉的FBX钻机在你的场景是你会发现有红色沿着时间轴刻度。

    Once your Motion Capture FBX rig is in your scene you will notice that there are red tick marks along the timeline .

  6. 大多数场景下的FMV过场动画,让我明白了为什么电视游戏很少使用这种技术,而更多地采用动作捕捉和配音。

    The FMV sequences , for the most part , reminded me why videogames use this technique sparingly , choosing instead to do motion capture and voice acting .

  7. 通过运用类似《霍比特人》(TheHobbit)等电影中的动作捕捉技术,昆士兰大学(UniversityofQueensland)研究人员发现,走路时发讯息不仅会影响平衡感和直线行走的能力,而且还会损害人的身体姿态。

    Using motion-capture technology similar to that used for films such as ' The Hobbit , ' University of Queensland researchers concluded that texting while walking not only affects balance and the ability to walk in a straight line , but can actually damage a texter 's posture .

  8. 据介绍,Mahru在一个高级动作捕捉系统的远程控制下,能够做出人的各种动作,而且能灵活地运用双手来应对障碍和干扰。

    Mahru is programmed to follow various human movements through an advanced motion capture system , he said , adding it can move its hands freely to cope with any interference or obstacles .

  9. 罗特格斯大学的研究人员们用摄像机将跳舞者的动作捕捉下来。

    Researchers from Rutgers University used motion-capture cameras to record dancers'moves .

  10. 基于动作捕捉的计算机动画探讨与实现

    Discussion and Realization of Computer Animation Based on Motion Capture

  11. 我们利用动作捕捉技术生成具有继承关系的驱动骨骼。

    The driving inheritance bones are generated by employing motion capture data .

  12. 结合动作捕捉数据的三维卡通人物的动画生成方法研究

    Approach of Cartoon Animation Generating Combining Motion Capture Data

  13. 为了让咕噜显得真实,安迪·瑟金斯使用了一套动作捕捉设备。

    To make Gollum realistic , Andy Serkis used a motion capture suit .

  14. 它具备夜间模式和动作捕捉功能,售价279美元。

    It has night vision and motion detection , it costs $ 279 .

  15. 基于动作捕捉技术的贵州少数民族舞蹈数字化保护研究

    Digital Protection Study of Minority Dances in Guizhou Province Based on Motion Capture Technique

  16. 我地会第一次做细路仔的动作捕捉。

    We 're going to be doing the first motion capture on a child .

  17. 此信息编程到动作捕捉动画,不应乱用。

    This information is programmed into the motion capture animation and should not be messed with .

  18. 游戏动画中的动作捕捉

    Motion capture in game animation

  19. 这是世界上最大动作捕捉摄影棚,也是首度户外拍摄。

    This is the largest mocap volume in the world and first time it 's been done outside .

  20. 他们为10名志愿者安装了动作捕捉系统,然后观察他们在走步机上走路的样子。

    They fitted 10 volunteers with motion caption markers and then watched as the subjects walked on a treadmill .

  21. 利用动作捕捉技术记录舞蹈演员的表演,根据获取的动作数据,采用骨骼蒙皮动画的方式进行实时虚拟舞蹈的展示。

    We use motion capture technique to record actors ' original performance and implement skeleton animation for real-time virtual dance exhibition .

  22. 他穿上了一套动作捕捉用的衣服,并且在地上像龙一样边匍匐前进边完成配音的工作。

    He donned a motion capture suit and crawled on the ground like a dragon as he did the voice work .

  23. 之后,155个人观看了录像,而动作捕捉录像里只播放舞者的动作,没有脸部和身体的画面。

    The motion-capture videos - which show movement but not facial appearance or body images - were then shown to 155 people .

  24. 他使用动作捕捉来创造逼真的计算机三维人物的天分是卓越的,但他可远不止擅长这个。

    His talent at using motion capture to create realistic CGI characters is excellent , but he is skilled at far more than just that .

  25. 另外,苹果对800万像素摄像头的驱动软件也做了优化,可以提供更优秀的面部识别、自动对焦、视频防抖和慢动作捕捉功能。

    And there are the tweaks to the software that powers its 8-megapixel camera : improved face detection , auto-focus , video stabilization , and slow-motion capture .

  26. 另一项新动作捕捉技术阿凡达用的是面部性能更换(爱国阵线),这使得以数字返工卡梅伦一个演员的面部运动。

    Another new motion capture technique used on Avatar is Facial Performance Replacement ( FPR ), which allowed Cameron to digitally rework an actor 's facial movement .

  27. 作为第一部使用动作捕捉技术的国产动画电影,郭敬明的《爵迹》以2.74亿元的票房位居第三。

    Guo Jingming 's Legend of Ravaging Dynasties , the first domestic animated film to use motion capture technology , came in third with 274 million yuan .

  28. 从某种程度来看,这位动作捕捉技术带来福音,之前很多年我们一直都在没有阳光的棚内待着。

    In a way it 's probably the best thing that happened to mocap . We 've been shooting in the stage without sunlight for like ten years .

  29. 动作捕捉的基本做法是,屏幕里会同步显示猩猩,但它们被赋予了演员投入的感情与灵魂。

    The basic usage of performance capture is through cell screen you will see the apes but they 're apes which are with heart and soul of actors'performance .

  30. 我们的实验并不是在睡眠实验室里进行,相反,我们发给人们动作捕捉手表,他们每次佩戴手表一周。

    Our experiment does not take place in a sleep lab , instead , we lend people motion-detecting watches and they wear them for a week at a time .