
  • 网络Animal Factory;Animal Bioreactor;Tierfabriken
  1. 所以,“动物工厂”就产生了。

    Therefore ," animal factories " came into being .

  2. 建立预防昆虫与动物进入工厂的程序,包括风幕,障碍物,鼠笼,昆虫捕笼与灭蝇灯。

    Procedures have been established to prevent entrance to the facility by pests and animals , including screens and barriers , rodent traps , insect traps or lights , etc.

  3. 在此基础上,辛格反对动物实验和工厂化的养殖方式,反对以动物为食,提倡素食主义。

    According to such a view , Singh opposes to animal experiments and factory farming methods and approves vegetarianism .

  4. 这家生产小动物饲料的工厂经理说,多年来,他都有把一小部分的三聚氰胺废料添加到在饲料中。

    The manager , who works at a small animal feed operation here that consists of a handful of storage and mixing areas , said he has mixed melamine scrap into animal feed for years .

  5. 将副产品直接用于饲养本地动物,就会减少工厂能源的消耗以及运输饲料的费用。

    Feeding the by-product directly to local animals would cut energy use at the refineries and transport costs for the feed .

  6. 曾经动物们自由奔跑的土地,成了无限养殖屠杀动物的工厂化农场,以饱我们口腹之欲。

    Where animalsran free , are factory farms where they are born and slaughtered endlessly forour satisfaction .

  7. 我知道每年我们养殖100亿动物,就为了他们身上的肉,而这些动物生活的那种工厂环境,

    Cruelty : I knew that the 10 billion animals we raise each year for meat are raised in factory farm conditions that we ,