
  • 网络Journal of Zoology;Chinese Journal of Zoology;Zoological Journal
  1. 动物学杂志1986年第21卷总目录

    Chinese Journal of Zoology 1986 Vol , 21 No. 1 & 6 Contents

  2. 周一,两名作者在《实验动物学杂志》(TheJournalofExperimentalZoology)上推断,女性性高潮这种反应起源于逾1.5亿年前的哺乳动物,当时是为了排出卵子,让其在性行为结束后受精。

    On Monday , in The Journal of Experimental Zoology , the authors conclude that the response originated in mammals more than 150 million years ago as a way to release eggs to be fertilized after sex .

  3. 高等动物学杂志。

    Journal of Advanced Zoology .

  4. 实验结果将刊登在《动物学》杂志上。

    The results are reported in the Journal of Zoology .